0.14 Interruption

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the action of interrupting or being interrupted

Max sat with Isla and Alyssa in the Red Bull hospitality. He fiddled with his fingers, not knowing what to say or do, not even remembering basic communication with a woman. Alyssa sucked as her lower lip. She couldn't help but feel like she was cock blocking in a way, it ate away at her. She looked over to Isla. Isla was staring at her cup of coffee, not even lifting it to drink it. Alyssa looked between the pair and rolled her eyes. "Well, it was nice meeting you Max but I just need to go and I doubt you'll be here when I get back." Alyssa smiled innocently and standing up to go. Isla silently begged for her friend not to leave her but that wasn't happening. Alyssa was gone, leaving the very awkward and barely adult Isla and Max by themselves.

It had been a good while since Alyssa left and they still hadn't found anything to talk about. Max looked everywhere but towards Isla. He didn't want to make a fool of himself so his best bet was to stop looking at her until he wrapped his head around actually seeing her. "So, nervous about the race?" Max was torn from hsi thoughts. "What?" he asked. "Are you nervous? You're usually nervous before races but I remember you told me about how big Monaco is compared to other races." Max felt himself smiling at the little fact hee told her and that she had managed to remember it. "Yeah, I'm quite nervous. Nervous before every race as you mentioned." Isla took a sugar packet and opened it, pouring it into her coffee. "I can only imagine. The cars take a lot out of the drivers." Max nodded in agreement. He found someone that understood. It became silent again.

"It seems so much easier to just talk online. I don't know why." Max chuckled. Isla nodded. "Especially flirting." she added. Max paused for a moment. It had somehow only occurred to him that they were flirting with eachother. He didn't know how it had only hit him, but it did. "Do we flirt?" he asked. "I don't know what you'd call that pick up line you sent a couple days ago. Maybe it was kinda straight forward but I'd call that flirting." Max went red remembering the pick up line. When did he think that was ever okay to send? Imagine if she hadn't found it funny or in some way amusing. He wouldn't be sitting talking to her and he probably would have been blocked too.

Max watched as she sipped on her coffee and looked around her. Her hair fell perfectly onto her face, her eyes lit up just by looking around she was perfect, he could never wrong her, not even if he tried. He didn't intend on wronging her either. He just liked her. Maybe he felt the bond was stronger, perhaps love? He let out a sigh. "Isla, I have a question." She turned back around to him and smiled softly, listening and putting her full focus onto Max. He melted as their eyes met. "What are we? Are we friends?" Max asked, confused as to what they were because after all, they had only ever spoken through text messages and calls. "I would like to say we are friends. We speak pretty much everyday." Isla replied, stirring her coffee. "I'm glad." Max chuckled and looked down at the table. "Glad about what?" Isla asked. "I'm glad I've got someone like you."

Before Isla could even get a word in to respond, they were interrupted. "Max? Our guests are here now. They're waiting for you." A woman in Red Bull attire said. "Yeah, can I just have a second?" he asked. The PR nodded and left. Max looked back to Isla. "You will be here when I'm back, right?" Isla smiled. "Of course I will. I don't think I can exactly go anywhere else."

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