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"Daniel!" Max shouted, pounding at his friends door. "Daniel open the door quickly!" The door opened and there stood a very confused Daniel Ricciardo. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Look!" Max shoved his phone in Daniel's face, showing him a message on Instagram. "Okay. You've got a message. Must be a tough time for you mate-"
"It's from Isla Abascal!" Daniel seemed emotionless for a moment but proceeded to start laughing, leaving Max a bit confused. "What- why are you laughing? This is serious!" Max shrieked. "Why are you panicking like this? What did she say?" he asked. "You have the phone! Look for yourself!" Daniel looked, expecting something strange or like looking for a ticket to a race or something but no, he just saw the word hey. "Are you serious right now?" Max nodded. "Mate, when is the last time you've spoken to a girl. Jesus Christ."

"I haven't spoken to anyone since Dilara-"
"That's been almost a year and a half! How have you managed to do that?!" Daniel said cutting him off and handing his phone back to him. "I just don't want to waste someone's time." Max muttered. He lived Dilara to bits but things just weren't working out. He saw how some of the drivers would sleep around and break people's hearts and he never wanted to do that. He'd even seen drivers cheat on their girlfriends and move on so easily, he couldn't do that either. "So sweet, aren't you?" Daniel joked. "Shut up. What do I say back?" Max asked.

"Just text back hello or something." Daniel replies before closing the door and leaving Max clutching his phone for dear life. He took in a deep breath and walked away into his own room where he paced around, wondering if he should even reply. He would type a few letters and then delete them again and this cycle continued on and on until he decided fuck it, he was gonna just reply back with a

Hey there!

He set his phone to the side before he other thought what he said and crijbged to himself. Who says hey there? He grabbed his phone and quickly dialled in his pass code and frantically went to the message. He was about to press delete when he saw the little seen icon pop up and that's when he lost it. There was no chance of him talking to anyone, he was lost, he hadn't a clue, he-

I saw you followed me. Just wanted to say my dad is a huge formula 1 fan so I know who you are.

His face turned red. She knew who he was? This was amazing! He could ask for her to come to a grand prix, he could ask for her phone number, he could- no. He couldn't get too far ahead of himself. She probably had a boyfriend. She was pretty enough and she seemed so lovely and kind. He shook it off, grinned and began typing back.

Oh wow. Yeah, I was listening to some of your music today.

Simple, easy, straight to the point. Now he waits... waiting... waiting... waiting...



Hopefully you liked it x

He smiled. She gave him a little x. He hated how it sent his heart fluttering. He had known of this woman for such a short time and he already found that he had a little crush.

I must have liked it if I followed you

Why was she so perfect? She looked truly and utterly beautiful. Crushes obviously didn't mean anything, when they mean something it becomes a love he thought. He decided that while he was waiting for a response, he would scroll through her inhstagram quickly to see if she did in fact have someone in her life and not so surprisingly, he found a man holding her and kissing her in many photos. Max felt something inside him, he didn't like seeing Isla with someone else and he'd never even met her! He groaned in annoyance. Why was he like this? His phone buzzed, signifying that Isla had messaged back and it didn't even take a second for him to go read it.

Well thank you so much and good luck on your race this week. I'll be cheering on from the sidelines haha

Max set his phone back down as he fell back onto his bed and smiled up to the ceiling. He had one more supporter this weekend, but this one supporter just meant a little bit more, or at least he wanted her to be...

Max Verstappen - MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now