0.03 Calm

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not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.

"Thank you all so much! You've been amazing!" Isla shouted running off the stage and into the arms of André. He picked her up and swung her around, smiling and kissing her. "You did it! You did so well Isla." André said as he set her down. "Ah I'm so happy with how that went. I didn't expect it to go that well, I'll be honest. I thought I'd mess up but I didn't and then-" He watched as she excitedly rambled on and on about how the whole performance was. "Listen, listen. You need to relax." André laughed. Isla felt belittled a tiny bit. She had just gotten off the stage of her very first show ever and she was beinng told to calm down and relax. "Yeah, yeah I'm just really excited." Isla said quietly. "I understand that babe, but you need to chill."

"Little superstar, aren't you?" Michael squealed as he walked towards her to hug her now. "Ah thank you! It was amazing." she said. "You captivated the audience, perfect. You had over ons million people watching your live stream online, you did everything right." Isla felt proud of herself for what she had just accomplished. She'd just accomplished one of her many dreams in life. "That's fucking amazing. Ah I can't believe I just did that." Isla laughed to herself again. "Now, we've got a few people here that have actually requested to meet you." Isla furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Who could possibly want to-

"Isla, this is Sandra Murdin and Carla Astrabao. They're big fans of your work." Isla's jaw fell open upon seeing them just standing there. Her idols, the people she would post covers of online. "Isla, oh my goodness. How are you?" Sandra asked. Isla was completely lost for words. What on earth was she meant to say? "Hi, hi I'm Isla." she silently gave out to herself as she said that. Of course they know you're Isla, the first word they said was your name god dammit! "Of course, we couldn't not know who you are. Everyone has been telling me so much about you." She was dying inside, little by little. "Good things I hope." Isla chuckled. "Only the best things. You're quite the talking point of tonight."

André grinned stupidly as he watched Isla try to calm herself but of course it wasn't working. "Excuse me ladies, could I just have a minute?" The Two singers nodded as André took a hold of Isla's hand and brought her away into the cold brisky night. "Oh. Thank god you did that. I wouldn't have been able to stay there another second, in would have cried." Isla laughed as she leaned over the balcony. "That's why you need to learn how to calm down." Andre said. "Maybe I don't want to calm down. Maybe I'm overjoyed and happy because I'm just after performing." Isla replied. "I get that but you also have to keep in mind that there are paparazzi and media everywhere always watching you." She never thought of it like that. She just went along with her life but now people were watching her even closer. One wrong move is all it would take.

"Maybe people just need someone who's flawed, someone who's human. Someone who doesn't look like they were sculpted to perfection." Isla was trying to justify herself but of course it wasn't working. André just got offended and god knows why. "Look, I'm trying to help you but if you insist that you know better, go ahead and do it yourself." he snapped. She watched on confused as he walked away in a mood. What was his problem? Why was he being so overbearing all of a sudden? Was it her fault?

Max Verstappen - MemoriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora