0.09 Familia

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a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit.

"Oh shit, apparently Isla and her boyfriend had a huge fight last night." Daniel said looking at his phone. "What about? Does it say?" Max asked. Daniel scrolled a bit further down to look through the article and his eyes widened slightly. "Oh shit. Apparently he tried to sleep with her friend." Max looked up from his lunch and furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh really? Damn. That's horrible." Max said, taking a scoop of yoghurt. "That's a lie. You're loving this right now. You got yourself a chance to get a singer girlfriend." Daniel joked. "I wouldn't say that. Maybe it's true that I might get a girlfriend out of this situation but I think it's still horrible. I don't think she should get cheated on. It's not a nice thing to happen." Max said. Daniel grinned at Max and leaned forward. "Are you going to invite her to a race now that she is apparently single?" Daniel teased. Max groaned and stood up to clear his tray of food. "I might, its none of your business honestly." Daniel laughed as Max walked away to bring his tray to get cleaned.

Max then began his walk back to the driver room before he sat down and thought about what Daniel had said. He could message Isla but he figured it would be too soon to make a move. He took his phone out and sat looking at her instagram dms. She might not want to talk to anyone but Max wanted to talk to her so he just went with the safe option of good morning. If she replied, he could talk to her and if she didn't, oh well, he could always wait. He let out a sigh and looked towards the door as it slid open and in walked his physio Brad. "You alright mate? Ready to do your warm-up?" Max stood up and nodded "Yeah, absolutely. Let's do it."


"Isla? Isla!" Isla tossed and turned in her bed. She was too tired to care about anything and she just wanted to stay in bed all day. "Isla! Your mom is here." Isla shot up from her bed and looked around. "How did she get here so quick? She lives in Miami!" Isla said getting out of bed and throwing some clothes on. "I don't know, she brought your dad too." Isla gasped and ran out into Alyssa's hallway. "Mama? What are you doing here?" Isla asked walking into the living room. Her mother in return ran towards her and engulfed her in a hug. "Qué estoy haciendo aquí? ¡Mi amor, estás en los periódicos!" She said suffocating her in kisses. "Ay mamá, no besos por favor." Isla's mother scoffed and let her go to her father. "Sin besos, ¿eres demasiado viejo ahora?" she asked. "I'm not too old mama, I'm just tired. It's too early." Isla replied, running her fingers through her hair. "Nunca eres demasiado viejo para los besos de tu madre." Isla chuckled and looked back at her mother. "I'll be old enough when I have a baby or something." Isla chuckled. "Hi papa." She smiled, hugging her father in his wheelchair. "You doing okay? How's the leg?" Her father smiled back and slapped his leg a few times. "I no feel anything but its okay." He said in broken English. "You're English is doing well papa. Do you guys want something to eat? We can go out to a café or something if you want." Isla suggested. Her mother waved her hands in the air and shook her head. "No amor, la comida aquí estára bien." She turned to Alyssa and handed her her coat. "Mama, that's rude! I'll bring you out okay?" Isla said walking back to get her phone form the room. "Just give me a minute, un momento por favor mamá."

She looked and saw a notification, a notification from Max. She opened it and began walking back. Her eyes lit up upon reading the message.

Good morning x

Suddenly she had an idea, maybe bold, maybe brilliant. Only time would tell. She typed it and left tk go out with her parents to go and get some breakfast. "Okay mama, we can go now." She said, going to get her father in his wheelchair. "Who was it you text mi amor." Her father asked. "Ah no one, just a friend." She replied through a smile.

You okay to meet up after the race weekend?

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