0.19 Into It

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Into It•
 that the speaker is very interested in the subject or activity he or she is talking about.

Isla woke up with a pounding headache. She shouldn't have drank what she did the night before, but what could she do now? What's drunk is drunk and she couldn't change that. She felt a honey glow creep through a gap in the curtains and shine into her eyes. She felt a pair of eyes on her and low and behold, there was Max Verstappen staring back at her. "Enjoying the view?" Isla joked. Max pulled her in closer, her hands resting on his chest as it expanded with every breath he took and with every breath he let out, it went back down again. "I can't help it. I have no words for it." Max kissed the tip of her nose again, making her giggle and squirm about in his arms. "You're not getting away that easy. " Without warning, Max began tickling her mercilessly, filling the hotel room with laughing, matching the golden sunlight filling the room. "P-please sto-op Max!" She begged in between laughs. "Magic word?"

"I've already said please!"

"Oh yeah." And with that, Max stopped his tickling, yet still holding her. Isla placed her hand back onto his chest, feeling his heart beat in his ribs. It was calming, to her anyway. It wasnt too fast, or too slow, it was just normal. "I wish I could live like this forever." Isla whispered before looking up to lock eyes with her lover. "Its like something out of a movie. Everything you say sounds like its straight out of a script but, you dont abide by the script in my mind. I dont know if that makes sense." Max chuckled. "I understand. I'm basically improvising. That sounds like me." They grew silent again, simply staring into one another's eyes and occasionally glancing down to their delicious looking lips.

"You know, I'll be thinking about this for months." Isla admitted. "I'll just replay it in my head and wait until I see you again." Max moved his face closer, their breaths practically in one another's face. "With any luck, it won't be too long." She felt her heart melt. This was the man for her. She couldn't possibly imagine who else could make her feel so content. No one could love her this way, not even close. She didnt want this one to get away, she didnt want anybody else. She wanted Max and in that moment, it became crystal clear.

Max broke her train of thought by reaching over her and to the side table, where he turned the radio on for some music. A soft melody of Fly Me To The Moon played, before Max returned to his position he had. "Why did you do that?" She asked. Max simply shrugged his shoulders. "I can't bare silence." She smiled as she looked into his calming blue eyes. Suddenly, the music changed to a song of hers. She would have called it a coincidence but she was lying in bed with Max, who just so happened to turn the radio on at that time. "Did you request this song to be put on?" Isla asked, arching a brow. "I don't know what you're talking about." He chuckled. "Come on then." Isla sat up and grabbed his hands to pull him up with her. "You can dance if you requested it." Max scoffed and tried to resist getting away, but she was surprisingly strong for a woman of her size. "I can do this all day!" She grunted triumphantly as she pulled and pulled. Max knew she couldn't and the best way to get her to stop was to agree. "Okay Captain America, chill." He joked, standing up to dance.

For a driver who is meant to be quick and agile, Max was far from it. His feet were all over the place and his hand eye coordination wasn't working. He couldn't properly focus. What Max couldn't comprehend was how unpredictable it was. Driving was unpredictable, yes, but it was usually the same thing over and over. Dancing however, quite a different story. "No Max, roll the hips. You're too stiff-"

"I'm trying!" Max protested. Isla laughed loudly. The song ends and returns to the regular stuff it was playing, leaving Max and Isla to stand awkwardly staring at eachother. "So. What now?" Max asked. "Well, I think we should get dressed and maybe-" Max cut her off. "No, no, I mean, what now? What do we do now?" Isla hadn't thought about it. Like dancing, she went with the flow. Dancing wasn't always meant to be choreographed, it was meant to be felt, like a piece of your soul showing its true self for once. You could learn a lot from a person on how they danced. "I don't know what to do now. We're very, very, young and I don't want us to do something stupid which leads to one of us hating the other. I don't ever want to lose you." Max pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"All the things I wanna do to you is-" Isla paused, trying to think about how she could possibly describe how she felt about him. "Well, it's infinite." Max chuckled. "And what exactly are you thinking, snoepje?" She grinned at the nickname, not even knowing what it meant, but liking it nonetheless. "Well, there's a king size bed in the corner." She paused.

"Lets get into it."

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