0.13 Nervous

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having or showing feelings of being worried and afraid about what might happen

"I've replayed this moment for months." Isla hummed while tapping on her notebook. She was on the plane going to Monaco and she was nearly at the airport to land too. She was nervous about meeting Max. She seemed cool and calm texting Max, she could easily think for a while before she had to text back but now that she was meeting him face to face, she had to talk properly, not text. She was genuinely losing it. "Hm, hm, waiting for it to come." She continued on. "What's that?" Alyssa asked, piercing Isla's thoughts. "Just writing. I have this instrumental I really like but I just can't find any words for it." Isla replied, scrunching up the paper and shoving it in her bag. She'd been doing that the whole flight from LA to Monaco and her bag was basically full of wasted paper by now. "You're nervous." Isla closed her book in a flustered mood. "No I'm not." she mumbled. "Wow. Four months without dick and you're already nervous about meeting a guy." Isla sat up, leaning over the table a bit. "For your information, it's been three months." Isla snapped. "That doesn't make it any better." Alyssa chuckled. Isla sat back and folded her arms over her chest, looking out the window as the plane began to land.

"Isla, its just a guy." Isla looked at her friend with wide eyes. "I seriously hope you are kidding me because this isn't just a guy!" Alyssa grinned. "What? Is he special?" Isla felt her cheeks grow red from embarrassment. "He seems nice at least." Isla mumbled. Isla felt her ears pop, making her a bit uncomfortable but it soon went away as the realisation hit her that Max was probably right outside that airport. "I feel like I'm going to be sick." Isla said, making Alyssa chuckle. "You'll be fine. He's probably nervous too."

Max sat in his Aston Martin, tapping at the steering wheel. He was dreading this moment. He was excited to finally meet her of course but he didn't want to ruin anything. His phone timer went off, making him jump. He had to set it so he wouldn't zone out and completely forget to get out of his car to get her. He let out a sigh and hopped out, walking quickly towards the airport. He stood in the arrivals, looking around rapidly for her face to show up but nothing yet. Suddenly, someone caught his eye as the door swung open. She hid behind who he presumed to be her friebd. His face soon turned into a smile as he walked towards her. He let out a final sigh before he finally walked up to her and stopped, looking behind the stranger.


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Isla walked down the steps from the plane, each step making her more and more nervous. "Do you really think he's nervous? He drives cars at god knows what speeds, I doubt he would get nervous over me coming to visit a race." Alyssa threw a dirty look at her friend. "Have you seen yourself? I'd feel nervous too meeting you for the first time." Isla chuckled lightly at her friend's compliment. "You're so sweet but I doubt it." She smiled, pushing her hair over to one shoulder. "Yeah, yeah. Come on before we miss Lover boy." Alyssa teased, making Isla slap her friend on the shoulder.

The ventured into the airport, each step making Isla more and more nervous. She couldn't help but feel this underlying feeling that Max would be disappointed with her in some way or another. Maybe her publicity team photoshopped her a bit and Max would notice, maybe this and maybe that. The suspense was killing her. "Isla? We need to get to arrivals if we want to meet Max." Isla let out a shakey breath as she stood in front of the arrival doors. She was about to go out and see Max, in person for the first time. The arrival doors swung open, catching Isla off guard as she forgot that automatic doors existed for a while. Isla looked and saw Max, giving her a strange look. "Oh shit!" she jumped behind Alyssa and crouched down a bit. "Isla? What's going on?" Alyssa asked. "It's Max!" Isla whispered. "Great, he better bring us to get some food. I'm starving." Alyssa joked. "He probably didn't see me, he probably didn't see me right?" she said to herself. "I don't meant to alarm you but I think he did." Alyssa muttered. "And what would make you say that?" Isla snapped right back.


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