0.12 Pick Up Lines

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·Pick Up Line·
planned effort (which usually doesn’t work) to start a conversation with a stranger in romantic or sexual pursuit of them.

"Through more phone calls and texts, Isla and Max became good friends but one thing that they couldn't figure out was when to hang out. Obviously, Max had his weeks off in between races but he had to be at the factory for the most part and Isla was usually still working on music. It was coming up to Monaco now, they'd been talking about whether or not they should meet up.

"See, I really want her to come but at the same time I don't. What if I mess up while racing? She'll think I'm a complete joke." Max was looking down at Brendon, Pierre and Daniel playing cards. "I doubt you'll mess up. I reckon she'll swoop anyway." Brendon told him. "You're a driver, women love it." Pierre laughed, placing a card down. "But her expectations are probably high for me."

"Or she might have no expectations."

"Brilliant. No expectations for me and I'll still let her down." Max groaned, throwing his arms in the air in frustration. "Maybe tell her you've been fantasising about her non stop and that'll lower her expectations a bit." Daniel joked, but it wasn't helping Max. "Daniel, this is serious. I want her to know that I appreciate her. I want her to come to Monaco." Daniel thought for a second but the bets he could come up with was probably the stupidest possible idea. "Just send her a pick up line mate. It'll make her smile." Daniel said chucking a card across the table. "And thank you gentlemen. Cough up the twenty euros."

Max sat down and opened his dms. She was active. He thought for a minute. He needed a good pick up line. He remembered one he'd seen somewhere and decided to go with it.

Isla, I'm jealous of your heart

He watched the screen as she opened the message and began typing back.

What lmao

He typed the response and sucked his lips into a thin line.

Because it's pumping inside you and I'm not

Be was waiting for how she would reply but she wasn't. His heart rate quickened with each second she wasn't typing back. He probably crossed the line. He's already messed up.

"Daniel, she isn't replying." Max said. Daniel looked over to Max. "What did you say?" Max handed his phone over and within seconds, watched as Daniel was crippled with laughter and it didn't take much longer for the other Toro Rosso boys to take a look for themselves too, now also crippled with laughter. "What exactly do you expect her to say?!" Brendon cackled. Max was going red from embarrassment. "I don't know! He said a pick up line!" Max shouted back, pointing to Daniel. "Yeah! A pick up line! Not that!" Max groaned and slumped back down onto the sofa. He pulled his cap down over his face and clenched it to make sure no one could take it away from there. His phone vibrated before Max opened it. He felt butterflies in his stomach when he saw her name.

Envy is an ugly thing isn't it Max Emilan?

Max's face grew red as he read her reply. Was she flirting? Was she playing along? Daniel noticed this and creeped up beside him to take a look. His jaw dropped at the text. "What the fuck- Max is getting some!" he shouted. Max jumped and quickly hid his phone in his pocket. "No I'm not!"
"Yes you are! I saw you're little conversation going on there, don't lie to me mate!" Brendon and Pierre watched on amused as Max threw all the reasons why he wasn't getting any. "She's a friend mate! Maybe later we'll be something but for now we're friends so-"
"Don't give me that bullshit, you want to-"
"Daniel! Just please stop talking about her like that!" The room fell silent. It had occurred to the three of them that this was a more serious matter. Max was in love with this woman. Love. His phone vibrated again.

I'll be in Monaco soon x
I'll let you know when I'm here ;)

Max grinned and quickly typed back.

I look forward to it

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