0.23 Mi Persona Favorita

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As the weeks went by, Max and Isla grew closer and closer. It was a miracle they weren't found out as friends with benefits, or boyfriend/girlfriend, or whatever it is they were. With both of them being so well known, it was probably one of the hardest things they have had to do in a while; keeping this private. Their secret visits slowly became more public as they went from hiding in their apartments, to going shopping, to going for dinners, a slow but sure process for both if them. This process brought them eventually to a beach in the south of Spain on this particular occasion. Max traced his fingers over Isla's sun soaked skin and pressed delicate kisses onto her hand as she scribbled some notes in a journal. "This is nice." Max sighed. Isla's grin only grew wider before she lifted her head up to look at him. "It is, isn't it?" Max sat up and leaned on his elbow, peering into the notebook Isla was writing in. He sat up, peering across her shoulder into the pages. Spanish. He didn't speak a single word.

"What are you writing? I don't read Spanish." Isla chuckled as Max's comment. "You don't speak or understand it either." Max couldn't say no. He inspected the paper and noticed how they were written in lines, usually how Isla wrote songs. "Is it a song?" Isla nodded and smiled down at him. "Yup." He moved a piece of hair from her face and tucked it in behind her ear. "And what is it about?" He asked. "Well I can't tell you that. You said you've been taking Spanish lessons." She joked. "Yeah, from you! We both know what happens when you end up speaking Spanish." He kissed her shoulder and chuckled. "And who's fault is that?" She chuckled as Max tackled her. She managed laying on their towel underneath Max. The only thing she could make out past the sun was his silhouette. "Should we head back? You know, before people start congregating?" Isla smiled and nodded, before her hand reached behind his head and pulled him towards her, gently pecking his lips.

As they walked up the beach together, Isla's phone started going off and coincidentally, Max's too. Isla frowned as she felt the constant buzzing and Max almost mirrored her expression. "We'll have a look when we get home." Max smiled, squeezing her hand a few times for reassurance. Isla simply smiled as she did before and walked hand in hand eith the man of her dreams once more, all the way up to her apartment. 

As the pair opened the door and dropped the bags at the table, they pulled their phones out. For Max, it was a call from his PR manager and a few from his dad,while for Isla, they were from her whole team, plus her friends and unfortunately her PR manager Michael. She sighed and looked over to Max. "I'll try to make this quick." She said. She figured he was just calling about a possible brand deal or a new commercial as always so she called him and awaited his answer.

It didn't take long before he answered and began berating her with questions. "Isla, where are you right now?" Michael asked. Isla's eyebrows knotted in confusion. "Well hello to you too, Michael. I'm in Spain. Why do you ask?" She listened to her manager sighing. "When was Max going to be brought up to me?" He asked. "Well he wasn't. I didn't think it was any of your business." She replied. "Isla, I've been trying to do a deal with another manager for a PR relationship and here you are getting comfy with a very high profile Formula One driver." Isla shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know why this is my problem. This should be a lesson. Don't leave me in the dark about deals that include me."

"Look, luckily people have been liking the idea of you two being around eachother and being a couple, my only problem with this is not being told." Isla snapped. Why was he constantly on her back about everything? Sure, it was partially his job but did he not trust her to do something as simple as a relationship? "Michael, I'm not using this for publicity. I actually love him a lot." Max smiled at hearing her words. She loved him. He heard her say it before but it never failed to bring a smile to his face.

"I'm just looking out for you." Michael replied simply. "Yeah, I don't need you to do this though." Isla said. "Just trust me on this one. I'd like us to be private, please." Michael sighed and simply hung up. It hurt hearing the beep of him hanging up, but at the same time she enjoyed not hearing his annoying voice bothering her constantly about her love life. Isla turned and saw Max skimming over the words she wrote earlier on the beach as if he understood them.

"You okay?" Isla asked Max. "I just figured out what your song meant, is all." She looked confused. "What do you mean?" She put her phone down on the table and began walking over to him on the sofa. "Mi Persona Favorita." He replied in a heavy Dutch accent. "Oh, so you do listen." She smiled and walked towards him on the couch. "It's not that hard. Im just struggling to know who tu Persona Favorita is." She giggled at his attempt. "You have a good Spanish teacher." She remarked and stretched her arms around his shoulders.

"Only the best."

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