0.06 Studio

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a room where an artist, photographer, sculptor, etc. works.

Max woke up with a pep in his step and a smile on his face. No one had seen the young Dutch man this happy without a reason, not even his own father. He sat happily at thve team meeting, which would usually end early due to Max and Daniel becoming immensely bored but no, Max sat through it, taking everything in and understanding everything thoroughly. Daniel had a dopey grin on his face watching on in amusement. He had a hunch that it had something to do with wanting to impress that Isa or Isla or whatever he name was but it had to have been her. Daniel decided to catch Max after the briefing.

"Okay guys, enjoy the weekend." Christian said. Max wasted no time in getting up out of his seat and walking away, Daniel hot in pursuit. Max was about to slide the doors into his driver room when he was stopped by his teammate. "What are you-"
"No, what are you doing? Why are you so chipper today?" Daniel asked. Max shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I got a good night's sleep." he replied simply. "Yeah, dreaming of that Isla girl?" Max clenched his jaw. "Not everything is about Isla." he muttered. "It is, you can't fool me, it is." Max scoffed and walked into his room. "I've never met her so no, it isn't. Just go focus on your own stuff." he said closing his door with a loud bang.


Isla groaned as she sat in the studio. She didn't have any plans for songs and chord progressions just weren't working out. Everything was a mess. "Could you put on Formula 1?" her producer knotted his eyebrows in confusion but agreed. He turned to the TV and flicked through the stations until he found it. "This is it, right?" Isla nodded and sat forward, eagerly anticipating the first practise session to begin. She watched in awe as the cars zoomed around the place, the sound, the engines, it was pure bliss. She watched as the cameras went from the Williams, to the Ferrari and then finally to Max in the garage. Isla found her lips curling into a slight smile as she saw him. He looked quite cute, like a little frog of some sort. Whatever it was, he looked adorable.


Andre pulled up to the studio and parked his car. He wanted to surprise Isla since he knew how bored she could get and since he was finished his little photos hoot, there was no better time to do it. He began walking to the door, almost as of he was on a cat walk. A few struts and there he was, standing at the entrance. He reached forward for the handle, only to touch the hand of someone else. He looked over and saw a blonde haired, blue eyed Alyssa standing there with a box of chocolate, probably melted. "Oh, you're here to visit her too?" Andre asked as the two of them went for the door. "I- yeah. Just- I didn't expect you to be here. She said you'd be busy." Andre shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, I was. You know, modelling." Alyssa nodded as the pair stood awkwardly in the doorway. "So you gonna open the door or am I?" she asked, breaking the silence. "Oh, right. My bad." Andre said, pulling the door open and letting her in. "No problem." Alyssa replied. André shot her a wink, before he himself entered and walked to Isla's recording room.

André and Alyssa walked into the studio to see how Isla was doing, thinking she'd be bored out of her mind or in need of a pick me up. "Hey Isla, how's it-" Andre was quickly hushed by his girlfriend who was entranced by whatever was on the tv. They looked up and saw her watching racing cars zooming around some track, she didn't know since she didn't watch racing. "Oh, we're watching racing. What erm, what race is it?" Andre asked, sitting down beside her. "Melbourne. The race isn't on until Sunday but practise is on now." Andre nodded and watched on. He didn't find this one bit interesting, he would have preferred to watch something else, more specifically something without that bastard Verstappen in it. So he grabbed the control and went to change the channel. "Hey babe, let's just watch something better than this shit-" Isla furrowed her eyebrows at him. "What is wrong with you? I had formula one on." she said. "Yeah but look, your music video is on the tv now." Isla rolled her eyes and stood up. "Now where are you going?" he asked. "If you wanted to watch my music video you could have just put it on your phone Andre, I don't see why you just wanted to see me on TV."

"I just don't find racing interesting." he explained. "Yeah but that was taking my mind off all the stress." Andre stood up and chucked the control at her. "Fine, watch your stupid racing. I'm sorry for trying to support you." and with that, Andre stormed out of her studio. Isla turned to Alyssa and arched an eyebrow at her. "Is he fucking serious right now?" Alyssa kept her mouth shut and sat down. "Isla?" She looked back to Alyssa who looked quite awkward in all honesty. "I got you candy by the way." Alyssa said quietly. Isla smiled to her friend and scooted closer, until they were right next to each other. "Right, let's eat these and watch this F1 then. Who needs a man when we have drivers?"

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