0.07 Stranded

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left without the means to move from somewhere.

Max hopped out of his car with a huge grin on his face. P3 wasn't bad at all, especially with that new halo thing that had come in. He stood waving at some fans and walked . "Hey man." Max turned and saw Lewis walking towards him with a towel in his hand. "Hey mate. How are things going?" Max asked, clasping Lewis' hand into his for a shake. "Yeah, doing good." Lewis replied. "Daniel was telling me something about you and honestly, man I was dread when I heard it." Max was intrigued as to what exactly Daniel told Lewis so of course, he asked what is was. "He said you were crushing on a singer." Max's face turned to a face of disappointment, causing Lewis to chuckle a bit. "You could relate up uhntik 2015 right?" Lewis continued on laughing, a bit more ujneasy now. "Yeah. It's all good until you have to work out how you're gonna see each other and stuff. It's pretty hard to do but if you can do it then hats off to you bro." Max rolled his eyes and walked away from Lewis, making up an excuse that he had to go for a briefing with the team.

Max sat as information went in one ear an dout the other. He realised he had listened enough that morning to know what theuh would bring up in this meeting. His phone vibrated in his pocket, indicating someone had messaged him or something. Max whipped his phone out and had a look at his notifications, his heart skipping a beat upon seeing the name that popped up.

P3, not bad at all

Max smiled lightly before he looked around and texted back quickly. He didn't want to get into trouble in all honesty.

Would have liked something better
I'll work towards it though

He listened for a few more minutes before feeling a vibration again. Daniel looked over and arched an eyebrow, intrigued as to who was messaging his friend while he was at a driver meeting.

I think you did pretty well
So what now?

Max took the phone out again and opened it, reading the message. Daniel grinned as he now finally got who it was. The singer. Not a lot of people knew how long these meetings took so he couldn't blame her exactly. Max typed away again before putting the phone down properly.

Well I've got to talk to the team, get lunch, busy things going on

The briefing finished up thank god and Max walked back with Daniel once again following after him. "Oi, Max!" The ducthman turned around to see the Aussie walking after him. "So, when are you going to brin g her to a race?" Daniel asked. Max shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I'm a little busy at the moment and I haven't properly met her." Max had actually thought about bringing her? That was sweet. "Aren't you just so cute!" Daniel mocked. Max pushed Daniel in a joking manner and walked bvack to his driver room. "Yeah, yeah. Don't you have better things to worry about? Like the fact that you were P5?" Daniel glared at Max, earning a laugh from the Dutch man before he closed the door and was alone again.

Isla smiled at her phone, way too much for Andre's liking. He decided he wanted to apologise to Isla and his way of doing that was by bringing her for some food but clearly, she was too occupied with whoever was on her phone. "Babe, can you put the phone down?" Andre asked. Isla looked up at him and smiled. "Just give me a minute. Nearly finished." Andre clenched his jaw. "Isla, put the god damn phone down. I'm trying to have a conversation with you." Isla looked back up at him and furrowed her eyebrows. "Don't curse at me. I'm just texting someone and then I'm all yours."

"You should be all mine no matter what!" Andre's voice got louder. What has gotten into him lately? "Last time I checked, I don't have an owner." Isla shot back. André stood up and slammed the table. "Fuck it, I'll see you at home. You just don't get it." Je began to walk away when Isla stood up to follow him. "André! Don't leave here without me, I don't have a license!" Andre got into his car and drove off, leaving Isla by herself at the coffee shop. She let a few tears roll down her cheek before she took out her phone and dialled a number into it·holding it up to her ear and waiting for someone to answer.

"Alyssa? Alyysa I think I fucked up."

Max Verstappen - MemoriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang