0.08 The Boy

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Isla sat crying her eyes out in Alyssa's car. "You can't blame yourself for that babes. He was just being a jerk." Alyssa said, comforting her friend. "I know Alyssa I just-" Isla sniffles sand wipedd her nose. "I just don't know what has happened to us. It's like everything was fine before but now that I'm this big popstar or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, he just doesn't love me like he used to." Alyssa held her friend close to her as the tears stained her shirt. She patted her back and listened to Isla pour her heart out for her. "I know babes. Look, how about we just go and get some food or something. That always cheers you up." Isla stopped for a moment before nodding her head and letting Alyssa start her car. She wiped her eyes and stared blankly at her hands. She didn't know what to do anymore. "He's just everything I've ever wanted and I can't help but feel like I'm fucking all that up." She sobbed. "I'm letting him down Alyssa."

Alyssa took her phone to see which places were still open now before she spotted a notification on her phone. She obviously yopened it but her jaw dropped in disbelief. "Erm, Isla ?" Isla looked over to Alyssa and saw her shocked face which intrigued her. "He just hit me up to come over." Isla snapped her friends phone from her and furrowed her eyebrows. "He said what?" Isla read through the text a good few times just to make sure she wasn't seeing things. "That little bitch!" Isla picked up her phone and dialled in Andre's number. "Isla, what are you doing?" Alyssa asked, a little bti concerned. Isla lifted her finger, silently telling Alyssa to keep quiet. Finally, Andre answered and Isla faked a smile. "Hey baby, I'm just gonna book a room in a hotel tonight." It was silent other than the voice of Andre on the phone in conversation with Isla. "Yeah, distance makers the heart grow fonder babe. I'll see you tomorrow." Isla hung up and dropped the smile. "Now what?" Alyssa asked. "Wait for it, just wait." A few seconds pass before Alyssa's phone buzzed. She checked it and again, Andre had texted.
Hey, Isla isn't coming home tonight. Just need someone to keep me company. Feel like coming over? ;)
Isla clenched her jaw and took a deep breath in. "Drive to his house." Isla instructed. Alyssa pulled a face. "His house?" she asked, slightly confused. "Yup, because I'm not living there anymore after he just texted you to come over."

André was looking out the window for Alyssa to come. She didn't take too long, considering her house was a good hour away but she got there in a half hour. He quickly jumped up from the window and went downstairs, preparing to welcome Alyssa. He sat waiting for the door to knock and when it did, he wasted no time in going up to it and opening it. "Who is it?" Andre asked jokingly. He thought he would open the door to Alyssa but it was much more than that. It was Isla too. "Guess who bitch!" Isla shouted storming in the door. "What the fuck are you doing?! Why are you texting my friend to come over?!" she yelled. He wore a robe. Andre backed up, not wanting to make her angrier than she already was. "No, I just- I just needed someone to talk to-"
"And you didn't think to call your friends instead of mine? What the hell is wrong with you?!" Isla shouted as she stormed up the stairs. Isla burst through the door and saw the lights dimmed with the air smelling like cinnamon. She looked back at Andre. "Are you serious?" She asked a little quieter. "I was just going to talk with her babe-" She pulled her drawer open and tore her clothes from it, before looking for a bag of some sort. "You're in a fucking robe Andre! You obviously wanted to get your dick out without any trouble!" She yelled as she grabbed her backpack. "Where are you going?" he asked.

Isla paused and shot daggers at him with her eyes. "Seriamente? Esta bien de la cabeza? Where am I going?!" Andre nodded slowly. "Yeah, where- where are you going?" he repeated. "Dios me dé fuerza." She muttered. "I'm going away from you! I don't care where the hell I have to go! I don't want to be anywhere near you!" She shouted. "You're a snake, a liar and a fucking cheat!" Isla shoved whateved clothes she could fit into her bag and carried the rest by hand, Alyssa also helping. "Babe, I think we should take about this inside-"
"No,lets talk about it out in the open where everyone will know how much of a twisted little liar will you are!" Isla shouted. Andre ran over to try and silence her but itt obviously didn't work. "This guy tried to fuck my friend! Are you all listening? Let everybody know because this motherfucker isn't my problem anymore!" Andre groaned and threw his arms up into the air in frustration.

"Isla, I think we should go before your neighbours wake up." Alyssa said. "Isla smiled at Andre one last time. "Go and fuck-" she paused until she got into the car. "yourself." and with that, Alyssa drove off with Isla in the passenger seat and her clothes chucked into the backseat. "I could write a song about this." Isla muttered. Alyssa chucked. "Yehs, but how about we sleep first. You have to get ready for all the media thats gonna be soaking this up tomorrow morning."

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