0.02 Verstappen

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"Max! You're going to miss your flight god dammit!" Max burst through his bedroom door and stumbled down the stairs upon hearing his father's angry tone of voice. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" he called back, dragging his bags behind him. "It doesn't matter, the flight is in two hours and we aren't even in the car yet!" Jo's yelled as Max ran through him ot the kitchen. "Jo's, can you stop shouting at him for five minutes?" Sophie, Max's mother asked. "You don't even live here, I don't know why you are here." Jos said throwing his arms up in frustration. "I'm here to say goodbye to my son, can I not do that?" Sophie asked as she walked towards Max. "Can you not do that in your own house?" Jos groaned. "Max, when she stops giving you kisses or fussing over you ill be in the car." Jos said walking out. "Oh shush!" she snapped. "Now Max, do you have everything you need?"

"Yes mum." Max replied quickly. "You're absolutely sure?" Max nodded. "Yes mum now can I please go? I'm going to be late." Max whined as his mother showered him in kisses. "Oh fine. If you insist." Sophie said letting go of her son. "Okay, bye mum!" Max said practically running out to the car. He threw hsi suitcase in the back and hopped in the front. "How long will it be until we are at the airport dad-"
"Shush! You need to focus as much as possible." Jos snapped. Max's shoulders slumped as he reached for his phone and headphones. "Yes, listen to music. That will help you get in the zone as they say nowadays." Max silently cringed at his father's words but knew better than to say anything so he just kept to himself in the back of the car, listening to music.

He was going about listening to a playlist that he often listened to butt on this occasion, a song changed to a different one, a song catching him off guard. He picked up his phone an dopeened it to see what is was. "Who's song is-" Max paused as he saw the girl on the cover for the song. She looked gorgeous and her smile was just something else. He searched her name up and saw she had a YouTube channel. He watched a few videos and even subscribed before he'd gotten a notification that she was live so of course, he watched.

"Hey everybody!" The crowd replied in an incoherent hello back before she continued on. "I'm Isla Abascal, but you might have known that because you all have tickets." Max chuckled lightly as he watched her fidget about with the microphone. Jo's looked back at Max in the mirror and saw him smiling. What on earth was he watching? "You okay back there?" Max jumped as his dad's voice broke through the headphones. "Huh? Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Max replied quickly. "You don't seem like you're focusing." Jos remarked. "Oh, I'm just watching someone perform a song. It's quite good." Max said. "Who are you listening to?" Max took an earbud out and looked at his father. "A new artist. Isla Abascal I think her name is."

"She must be Spanish or something." Jo's said. "Cuban actually." Jos arched a brow at his son's knowledge of this so called new artist. "Does she have many songs? Maybe you could play them out loud." Max looked through the lyrics quickly and sucked a sharp breath in. "Or maybe you don't want to-"

"No, no. I want to see what singer my son is suddeenlyy obsessed with." Max whined and tried to convince his father to not play the song outt loud but Jos was persistant so Max just gave in and played it. There was no emotion from Jos, just an occasional head bop here and there but otherwise, nothing. Max watched on painfully, not even being able to enjoy the song. Jo's pulled into the airport car park as the song came to an end thankfully for Max. He disconnected his phone from the aux chord and sat back, awaiting the judgement of his father like usual. "It's okay." Jos mumbled getting out of the car. "Just not exactly what I'd call motivational music." Max nodded, slightly disappointed. "That doesn't mean you can't listen to it though." Jos smirked upon seeing how well Max was at hiding how happy he was. It made him chuckle in all honesty. "Now come on, we have twenty minutes."

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