~The Department of Mysteries~

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Draco POV: 

I roamed around Grimmauld place aimlessly. The first few days I moved in here everything was new and exciting. There were books to read, rooms to explore, portraits to annoy, but that all became boring very quickly. 

The house-elf Kreacher was very pleased to have my mother back into the house as part of the Black family line. He was less excited to see me as the pure Black family line had been tainted with Malfoy blood but excited nonetheless. 

Like most house-elves, Kreacher barely spoke except to give grunts of disapproval but he mostly liked to glare viciously. 

That led me to be surprised when I heard the echo of his voice coming from one of the rooms. I could also hear the crackling of a fire and I lingered outside the room quietly. 

"-not here. At the department of mysteries." Kreacher's raspy voice told. Who wasn't here? I mean my mom was here. I am here. And Uncle Sirius is here too. 

"Kreacher? Who are you talking to?" I called out as I rounded the corner and entered the room. I swore I saw Harry's frantic face before the flames disappeared and left me with a worried-looking house elf. 

"N-Nobody Mr. Bla-Malfoy. Just muttering to myself as I tidy up Master Sirius' mess," I wasn't completely convinced by this answer and decided to do a little bit more prodding. 

"Was that Harry in the fi-" I started to say. 

"You must have imagined things, Mr. Malfoy. In fact, you should probably get to bed." 

"Wait a minute Kreacher-" With a snap of his fingers the room in front of me disappeared and I was teleported into the guest bedroom which I was currently occupying. When I tried to leave my room there seemed to be some force stopping me. This continued for the next half hour until my pushing finally gave way and I fell to the floor. Probably bruising most of my arm. 

My irritation only grew with every step I took back downstairs.  "Uncle Sirius!" I hollered wanting to get his attention but he seemed to be too panicked to notice. 

"Draco I do not have time for this right now!" He grumbled, searching the countertops for something. 

"Wait... are you going somewhere? I thought you were supposed to stay here out of sight, like us."  I asked, it seemed like he was trying to ignore me but I wasn't having it. I prodded his side. 

"Merlins sake! Fine! Harry is at the department of mysteries and in trouble." 

"Trouble?! What trouble?!" Uncle Sirius grabbed his wand from underneath a stack of old newspapers. 

"Bad trouble. Now stay here and don't leave the house." Uncle Sirius ordered me. 

"No way in hell am I staying here. My boyfriend needs help!" I shouted indignantly at him. 

"Your boyfriend?" Uncle Sirius questioned his face turning red. 

"Just bring me along! Please!" I pleaded, tears starting to form in my eyes as desperation took over. 

"Fine! Bring your wand!" As soon as he said those words I did not hesitate to dash up the stairs and back into my room to get my wand. 

"Draco?" A small voice said from down the hall. 

"Mother?" I asked breathlessly. 

"Are you going somewhere darling? And what was all that shouting downstairs?" Her voice sounded sleepy and she looked as though she had just gotten out of bed. 

"Don't worry about it Mother. I will be back before you know it." I whispered to her and kissed her on the forehead. 

"Alright be safe Darling." I nodded and plowed down the landings, skipping over multiple steps in the process. 

Uncle Sirius was waiting for me looking incredibly anxious and fidgety. "What in Merlin's name took you so long?" He hissed at me. Normally Uncle Sirius was the fun uncle. Not today, however, and naturally I shared his concern. Not that I had many uncles that weren't death eaters. Or many uncles at all. 

"Just saying goodbye to my Mother. What are you waiting for? Let's go already." Uncle Sirius held his arm out for me and I grabbed it. 

This had not been my first time apparating but once we apparated outside of the ministry I threw up. Uncle Sirius allowed me a minute to get myself in order before he yanked me along inside. 

The corridors were eerily empty without so much as a whisper from any direction. There was nobody in sight anywhere and I felt completely uneasy. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked my voice faltering slightly. 

"Harry is in there somewhere and something is wrong." That was all Uncle Sirius needed to say for me to get over myself and go off into the deep end. 

We sneaked our way down to where the department of mysteries entrance was. Not that we needed to. The place was already scarily abandoned. 

Once we got down there, we went through one of the many doors and sure enough, I saw all of Harry's friends bound by death eaters. I watched in horror as my father persuaded Harry to give him an orb, not knowing entirely what it meant but it seemed important. Uncle Sirius crept up behind my father. 

"Get away from my godson." He said as he swung a punch against my father. 

That's when everything happened at once. 

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