~The Falling~

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Draco POV: 

Harry and I were both in a state of shock while the Professors prepared for Headmaster Dumbledores funeral. Harry was angry. So angry. The first thing he did was go after Snape as well. I however was torn. I understood what it was like from his perspective but it was hard for me to get past the fact that he was also my godfather, and I relied so heavily on him. 

After the death eaters disappeared from the tower and the stunning spell had long since worn off, Harry immediately ran down the stone steps his shoes clattering loudly at every step. He didn't care anymore, I realized. About being caught. I was quick to follow after him, but not quick enough. I hastily made my way down the staircase of the tower after him. 

When I had reached the final landing there was no sign of Harry. I had no idea where he had gone. I waited and waited until there was some sign of him. There was a part of me tempted to go any direction searching for Harry, but I knew it would amount to nothing. Then I couldn't wait any longer and went outside. 

The sky was overcast and the dark rolling clouds surrounded the protruding dark mark which gleamed eerily. There were dewdrops suffused on the grass which made the ends of my trousers damp. Albus Dumbledore lay limp by the tall cobblestone tower. In the far distance, I saw Harry making his way, staggering towards me. 

I caught him in my arms and we fell to our knees beside Dumbledore. Harry was shaking beside me. He reached his hand out and then it fell limp to the ground. "Harry," I whispered. He gave me a side glance, there were tears in his eyes. I pointed to something gold that weaved its way in between the levels of fabric of Professor Dumbledore's robes. 

Harry reached out to grab the gold object and it was revealed to be a locket of sorts. He opened it up and a small slip of parchment fell out. On the slip there were initials. R.A.B


Headmaster Dumbledore's funeral took place near the black lake. Harry had told McGonagall what had happened, and more importantly who had done it. The news of Professor Dumbledores death spread quickly. People from all over gathered at Hogwarts to mourn the loss of a great wizard; Even Madame Maxime came from Beauxbatons. 

There were hundreds of golden chairs spaced out in orderly straight rows, and down the middle there ran a long aisle, with a marble table placed at the front which all of the chairs faced. I sat in the row behind Harry as to not raise any suspicion. Most people at Hogwarts had no idea about our relationship. 

Hagrid came up the aisle carrying Dumbledores body, in some kind of sick reverse wedding fashion. Songs were sung by the merpeople. They carried a sense of loss and despair which seemingly seeped into everyone else, internalizing the feeling. 

When it was over, honestly, I was glad. I didn't hate the man. Far from it, contrary to popular belief as it so seemed. This summer I was going to stay with Harry. If Granger and Weasley did not know for certain about our relationship they certainly guessed it. Let's just say, we were done being discreet; especially after my father's passing. 


Harry POV: 

I faced the mirror with my tie around my neck passively. You would think after going to Hogwarts for 6 years I would pick up how to tie a tie. No. That was not the case. I normally had someone to tie it for me once and then when I needed to get it off I loosened it enough to slide it over my head. The knot is still perfectly intact. 

A gave a few more attempts, crisscrossing the two sides in various fashions until I sighed in defeat. "Draco?" I called to the blond combing through his hair. 

"Hmmm?" I broke him from the trance his mesmerizing hair had put him in. "Yes?" 

I gestured to my tie. "I can't manage to do tie it... can you help?" Draco glanced over at my pitiful tie which was now wrinkled from all of my tries. He gave a disapproving tut. 

"Seriously? 6 years. 6 years, we were at a boarding school that required you to wear a tie, and you don't even know how to tie it?" Draco shook his head in disbelief. Despite that, he came over anyway. 

The blond stood close to me and took the tie halves in his hand. He did a series of different crisscrossing I could not keep track of and managed a perfect Windsor Knot. Not that I had known that name until he told me. 

"Okay now onto me. Harry, I'm dreadfully worried that I look absolutely horrendous. I am pretty sure this shade of azure is entirely wrong and clashes horribly with my shoes." Draco pointed to the color of his suit and then to his shoes. 

"I don't know. They both look blue to me," I shrugged not really telling apart the difference. Draco looked mortified his mouth dropped. 

"Uncultured, entirely uncultured." He gave a tut and then walked out the door. I hurried after him. 

We both entered the tent walking on a purple carpet that ran along the floor. The marriage was beautiful, and it made me happy to see everyone so at ease. People did give a sideglance at Draco and I could tell how hard he tried to ignore it. 

Draco even started to tear at the vows; I would never let him live that down. After the vows were down the chair disappeared and the music began; everybody started dancing. Some waiters entered at lay food on the tables. 

I went around talking to different people, even Viktor was there and incredibly fussed about a symbol worn by Xenophilius. Something about it being the symbol of Gellert Grindelwald. When I was finished with formalities Draco and I stood to the side talking until Ginny came up to us. 

"Harry would you like to-" At the same moment Ginny was going to continue the sentence a Patronus interrupted. 

"That's Kinglsey's Patronus!" Someone exclaimed and that caused a stir among the public. The Patronus relayed a message saying how the ministry had fallen and that death eaters were on their way. 

Once one and then two and then three and then more people started to disapparate; That's when the death eaters started to apparate in. Everyone was running wild. In the chaos, Draco and I found Ron and Hermione. The four of us managed to apparate away. 

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