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Our first argument

"Babe, Im coming over" Harry insisted before hanging up the phone.

Louis groans throwing the phone on the bed.

Harry insist in taking care of Louis. He thinks its some kind of virus but boy was he wrong, it was more serious then some small virus.

Louis hasn't been eating much lately. He feels so weak and tired, lots of stomach pains. He looks so pale. He's been very snappy and grumpy too.

There was a knock at the bedroom door before it was being opened.

"Oh Lou, you look so pale" Harry gasps.

"Harry I told you, I'm fine" Louis sighs, sitting up on the bed.

"You don't look fine, just let me help you"

"I'm just tired, I'm alright"

"Your always fucking tired, Louis. I'm just trying to help but you can't fucking keep your mouth shut. Why won't you let me help you?" Harry raises his voice.

"Because I don't need your god damn help!" Louis gets up from the bed.

"Yes you do, just look at you!"

"Your so fucking annoying!" Louis yells.

"Im annoying, really? What about you Louis? Every fucking time I try to fucking help you give me this shit!" Harry yells back.

"Oh shut up! You don't give two shit if I'm sick or not!! So why the fuck would you help me?!' Louis shouts, getting angry.

" what the fuck do you mean I don't give two shits, Louis! You know I do! I try so fucking hard to keep this hell of a relationship but all you fucking do is sit there like a selfish bitch!!"

"What the hell is your fucking problem? I do so much to keep this relationship. I try to call you when I can but you're always fucking busy!!" Louis walks towards Harry pushing him by the chest.

"Can you say that about yourself fucker?" Louis cursed.

"Don't you dare fucking do that to me!" Harry growls, grabbing a hold of his shoulder.

Louis was so lucky it wasn't his wrist.

"Fuck off!! You can't do shit to me!" Louis spat.

"Your right I can't, what i could do is turn around and leave but I choose not too because I'm fucking stupid!"

"No, you just don't want to leave because you're not dome using me, well go ahead use me. I mean its not like my feelings matter, or better yet I don't have any!" Louis shouts in fruastraton.

Harry's face softens and he reaches out to Louis. "Oh god no, Louis. Please never say things like that, I would never do something like that, especially to you. Your feelings do matter to me, I care about you so fucking much, babe." Harry pulls Louis into a tight hug, pressing a soft and gentle kiss to his forehead. "I love you"

"I love you too, I'm sorry" Louis cries softly on his shoulders.

"Its not your fault, don't apologize" He cooed.

"What time is it?" Louis suddenly asks pulling away, whipping the tears from his eyes.

"Um twelve 'o' nine" Harry answered.

"Oh okay, good" Louis sighs in relief.

"Why?" Harry questions, frowning in curiosity.

"Oh um... I have a doctors appointment at two" Louis informs.

"So you are sick!"

Louis sighs, biting his lip. He starts to feel nervous because he knows he has to come clean to Harry.  "Uh... well not really"

"What do you mean 'not really'? is there something I should know?"

"Yes" Louis mumbles, sitting down on the bed as he fiddles with his fingers.

"I have to go to the doctors every 3 months because... Um I suffer from... I'm anorexic and bulimic" Louis confessed, the heavy weight on his chest was finally lifted off.

Harry stays quiet, his head in his hand as he looked down. Louis looked away until he heard sniffing.

"Harry, please don't cry"

"I'm sorry, I just- oh god, Louis" he sobs, pulling Louis into a hug, hanging to him like his life depends on it.

"My baby, I'm sorry, so so sorry. I love you so much"

"I love you too but don't apologize, its not your fault, seriously its not. I've been suffering from it for so long" Louis stated.

"For how long? And why?"

Louis pulls Harry close, laying down and cuddling to him. "Ever since I was 11... It's complicated."

"Tell me everything"

"In 6 grade I was that outgoing, funny kid everyone wanted to hangout. I was me and everyone was okay with that but some people didn't like it. They would bully me, call me names and beat me up. They called me fat, ugly, and worthless. That's when I stopped eating. In 7th grade, it was different, in a good way. Though I wasn't really myself... I was quiet but I did make a lot of friends. When I realized how many friends I was making, I started to force myself to throw up because I thought the reason I was making friends was because I skinny and quiet, but I was wrong. They were my real friemds , they didn't care about how I looked and they had my back."

"I stopped doing it, and started to eat again but barely. That was until I went out with a bastard, he treated me like trash, he called me a slut and laughed at me. So I started doing it again and from there I never stopped, well in 8th grade I did but that's another story"

"Tell me it, I wanna know"

"Fine... In 8th grade I was sweet and nice. I made so much friends and there were a lot of guys asking me out but I rejected them all, I was ready to date after what happen. There was this one guy though, he was my best friend and crush,We still talk. He asked me out and I said yes, he treated me so good and I fell in love, he told me he loved me every day, he was my first. We went out for 3 years until things got out of hand, and we decided to break up and just be friends. Even though we broke up, we're still close, its awkward for us." Louis rambled.

"That's Sweet, but you have me know and no matter what happen, I'll never let you go"

To be continued...


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Harry Styles | L.S [Book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant