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Alex & Daniel Styles

Louis held the baby boy in his arm, smiling down at him. Harry held the other one, right beside Louis.

"He looks like you" Louis murmured, chuckling when the baby in his arm, grabbed a hold of his finger. Harry looked up, "yeah? Their both gorgeous"

Louis nods. "What should we name them?" He questions, when he remembers the boys had no names. "Mmm I don't know" Harry says. Louis bit his bottom lip as he thought about names. "Daniel Styles!" Louis blurted out.

Harry looked up, jumping a little at the sudden squeal. "My last name?" Harry asked, his heart dropping to his stomach, eyes stinging. "Yeah, I just thought it would be better, since they're yours too but if you don't like it we don't have too" Louis rambled.

Harry smiled, "No, love... I like it."

"So Daniel Styles?" Harry nods at his boyfriend. "What do you think? Do you like it?" Louis asked the clueless mini Harry look a like. All he received was a tight squeeze on his finger. "I'll take that as a yes"

"How about this little guy... Alex" Harry mumbled, grinning down at the tiny baby boy in his arms.

"I like it... Middle names?"

"Hmm... Alex Dominic Styles?" Harry suggested.

"I really like that one"

"What about big guys over here?" Harry chuckled as he gently caressed the baby boy, in Louis' arms, cheek. "Uh....Daniel Isaiah Styles"

"Alex Dominic Styles and Daniel Isaiah Styles... My beautiful boys" Harry whispered.


"Oh my..." Jay breathes out as she held the baby boy 'Alex', getting emotional. "Now mom no more tears" Louis stated jokingly.

"Oh hush you" She chuckled, tapping Louis shoulder.

"Mom can I hold my nephew now?" Gemma questioned, slightly annoyed.

"Mom let Gemma hold him" Harry chuckled, shaking his head. Anne pouts but handing Gemma Daniel.

"Have you named them yet?" Anne asked the couple. Harry nodded, " yeah, Daniel Isaiah Styles, Alex Dominic Styles".

"So creative... They're lovely, this little guy reminds me of Louis when he was a baby, so tiny" Jay murmured.


Going home

"Got everything love?" Louis asked Harry, who nodded. "Yes, security are waiting outside the room" Harry informed.

"Help me up please"

Harry made his way to Louis, helping him off the hospital bed, pecking Louis' lips. "I love you"

"I love you too"

Security guards lead them out the hospital, pushing paparazzi's and screaming fans out the way. As they made it to the car, still surrounded with fans and paparazzi's, one of the guards opened the back seat, revealing to baby car seats.

"We'll strap them in" George, one of the security guards said as he grabbed Daniel and the other guard took Alex.

Harry helped Louis get in the passenger seat and lifting Louis' chin, bringing him close and kissing him sweetly. He then pulled away, closing the door and going to the drivers seat. They both strapped their seat belt on before waiting patiently for one of the guards to tell them its clear.

When they got home, the stressed of being parents began as both, Alex and Daniel began crying.

Louis sighed, going to the living room, sitting down on the couch. "What's wrong with you? What happened?" Louis cooed rocking Alex, gently. Harry sitting next to him, rocking Daniel.

"They're probably tired" Harry mumbled, yawning. Louis nods, getting up and making his way upstairs to the nursery, Harry following behind him.

They placed the boys in their cribs and soon they both were falling to sleep. "Knew it" Harry mumbled.

"Good jod, Hazza" Louis hugged Harry. Harry grinnes, bending down capturing Louis' lips with his.

"Thank you... Let's go take a nap"


Sorry I know, I'll try better next time.

What did y'all think?

[627 words]

Harry Styles | L.S [Book 1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon