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On the 12th and 13th week Louis was definitely starting to show. It was starting to get noticed by his siblings (his mom knows already). So he forced himself to stay home, not wanting the paparazzi to take pictures and ruin his opportunity on telling Harry.

"Hey mum, how are you?" Louis asks opening the front door as she stepped in.

"I'm good, how are you? How is the baby doing?"

"We are doing great" Louis chuckles.

Louis went to go make them a cuppa, handing one to Jay before sitting down. They chatted about the baby, what gender?, the name, ect.

"I was think for a girl, we could paint the like a pastel color and for a boy we could do green and light green strips or bark blue with light blue strips.... I don't know maybe I'll think about something else."

"That would be pretty cool... So I heard Harry was coming home in a week are you gonna wait till then to tell him" jays says taking a sip of her tea.

"Yeah, hopefully there won't be any interruptions" Louis mumbles.

"You'all just have to wait and see... Eventually you'll get to tell him" jay comforted.

"So when do you get an ultrasound?" Jay asks, placing the cup on the table.

"Um... I have one next month, I was hoping to tell Harry before so he could come"

"That's a good idea"

"Yeah... I wanted to wait for when Harry knoews to help me plan some of the things. Like the names and things like that"

"Well... I'm gonna be honest with you, when you do tell him, he won't be upset... Though if you tell him how long you've been keeping it a secret, well he is gonna be disappointed" Jay noted.

"That's what I'm afraid of, that Harry will be disappointed and then wants nothing to d-"

"Don't even finish that sentence. Okay maybe I don't know Harry as much as you do but I'm friends with Anne... Harry would never do something like that, if its his child then he is going to stay but he would never ever leave you for something like that"

"I'm just scared is all... He's big mom, he has a career, and he has to tour every year. What if he becomes one of those dad's that is never home and the baby will grow up barely knowing about his dad"

"Look I know its hard for you right now but stressing about it will only make it even more difficult. Don't think about what could go wrong, think about the good in all this. You and Harry will get through it, there will be some ups and downs but trust me what you and Harry have right now will never ever change, you guys have such a strong connection that I'm positive will never break"

Louis smiles at his mother, wiping a tear from his eyes before pulling his mom into a hug.

"Now there's something I need to tell... So me and Anne talked last night and we decided to bring the girls and gemma over so we could help you figure out a way to tell Harry and just have fun, but they will be here in about half in hour, so go get ready and I'll be back. I have to pick up the gurls from school" Jay says

"That sounds fun, I'll go get ready and clean up, bye mom"

"Bye, sweetheart"


Louis gets out of the shower, quickly getting dressed before cleaning room and making his bed. He then goes downstairs to clean up, making sure everything is clean and organized.

He puts some Crayon's, notebooks, markers, and coloring books for the girls on the table in the living room.

After cleaning up,, there was a knock at the door. Louis makes his way to the door opening it.

"Hey guys, come in"


"So how far are you?" Gemma asks as she sat on the floor with the girls, coloring in the princess coloring book.

"I'm 12 weeks" Louis answers.

"Oh wow, time flies fast"

"Yeah it does"

"You're really starting to show, I can see a small bump through that jumper." Anne says.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see the baby"

"There's still a long way to go"

Gemma's phone then rings, she stops coloring, grabbing her phone before answering it. She gets up, going outside.

"Hey, Emily! What's up?"

"Oh um, are you busy? I kinda need a friend" emily's voice sounds sad, though it doesn't sound like she has been crying.

"Ur yeah I'm kinda, I'm at my brothers boyfriends house. But if you want I can pick you up and you can hang with us" Gemma suggests.

"I don't know, I don't want to intrude"

"What of course you won't, Louis won't mind, I could ask him and call you back"


Gemma hangs up the phone, going back inside.

"Hey Louis? Do you mind if one of my friends comes over?, she's a bit heart broken"

"Of course not, she can hang with us"

"Thanks, Louis"

To be continued...


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