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Belly bump

Its been a total of 7 weeks and Louis' belly was starting to form, though it wasn't too noticeable.

Louis was so happy, even if it was a small bump. He looked at his bare belly on the full body mirror, caressing it gently with his hands, smiling.

Harry went to a meeting so Louis was alone.

"You're starting to show" a feminine voice says.

"Oh uh yeah" Louis turns around, seeing Anne at the doorway.

"When will you tell him?"

"I was thinking about telling him when I start to really show, but since his birthday is right around the corner, I was thinking about telling him then"

"That's a really good idea... But Harry won't be in town, he told me to tell you since he wouldn't be able to tell you." Anne informs.


"You're not gonna tell him, are you?"

"No" Louis sighs, shaking his head as he went to sit on the bed.

"Look Louis, if you don't tell, you know he's going to find out anyway not because someone told him, he will know when the belly starts showing... Keeping a secret like that, at some point the secret itself becomes irrelevant. The fact that you kept it does not." She stated.

"You're right, he's the father and he deserves to know, I'll tell him when he comes back"

They chat for a bit, until Anne has to leave. Louis tightys up the house a bit, waiting for Harry to come home.

When Harry does come back, Louis is out cold. Its 11 pm when he comes home from a long day filled with meetings and interviews.

Harry goes straight to bed, next to Louis. He falls a sleep instantly.

When Louis wakes up though, Harry's gone. There was a piece of paper on the nightstand. He takes it reading it.

Hi, love! Good morning. Sorry I couldn't be there when you wake up, something came up from work. I'll be home by 6.

Love you


Hazza bear

Louis sighs, putting the letter back on the night stand and getting up from bed to eat breakfast.

Everyday was the same thing, either Harry wasn't home because something came up from work or when Louis tries to tell him he's interrupted by Harry's phone ringing.

Louis wasn't able to tell him before Harry leaves town, so he didn't do anything about it because he was always interrupted. So Harry gets in the car, driving away without knowing or neither saying goodbye to his child.


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