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Harry's interview

"What's Louis like?" The interviewer, Tati asked.

"Loud...Loud... And Loud"

Tati laughed, "no I'm kidding he's a fun person to be around with, he likes pleasing people, especially the fans. When we would go out on a date fans would come up to us and fangirl, like the fans call it... Im gonna be honest, I personally don't like it, I find it annoying when I'm trying to have a peaceful dinner with Louis without being interrupted but Louis doesn't"

"Really now? That's sweet"

"He is sweet" Harry stated.

"You actually made a vine, right?" Tati questions.

Harry nods "yeah I did. I thought it was a good way of showing my fans how my life is"

"Have you thought about making another movie?"

"I have actually, but I still have to persuade Louis"


"The fans have been asking about the video of you and Louis, I guess it was a paparazzi who taped it, was it?" She asked the guy who stood next to the camera man.

"Yeah it said 'Louis Tomlinson bursting in tears after Harry styles whispers in his ears the words I love you'" the guys reads.

"Now for some reason the paparazzi, who is a girl. Is being attacked by fans, for... This is ridiculous" tati chuckled as she shows the paper to the guy.

He goes up to her and grabs the paper, reading it out loud.

"Paparazzi, Tori Gonzalez receiving death threats after releasing a video of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. Fans say Tori had no right to air the video, which was a complete fake. Tori Gonzalez however doesn't seem threatened she tweets 'I don't know why you guys are attacking me for doing my job. I honestly don't give Two shits if you think its fake' she then tweets hours later saying 'the reason why I released the video was to show people that Louis wasn't a bad person and that he truly does love Harry" The guys took a deep breath before continueing reading.

" people should think about what they say and how not only Louis but Harry feels. Someone to say the Love Louis has for Harry is fake, is cruel and rude. Louis isn't the person some of you think he is, he isn't a gold digger, he isn't a slut, he isn't fat, he is just Louis and he loves Harry for who he is and not just the fame or money"

"That was long, but I have to agree with her, what do you think Harry?"

"I also agree. I find it frustrating when some of my fans say things like that, its disgusting and rude. Im honestly thankful that she released the video because its true I love Louis and he loves me. He tells me everyday, every morning, every night. Even when I'm on tour he would call or text me"

"Does Louis say anything about the hateful comments?"

"No he doesn't, he doesn't tell me and he doesn't have to. But he does come to me crying and its hard, it really is" Harry's voice was shakey.

"How is it hard? What part is it hard for you?"

"When Louis actually thinks its true, he would actually think I don't love him just because some fans say I don't. Louis' a sensitive person, he takes things to heart. I really don't care when some say things like that to me because Louis tells me different and I choose to believe someone who truly does care for me and respect me"

"But it seems like some people don't care, after she tweeted that. She is receiving even more threats. Supposely the tweet was rude, disrespectful, and stupid. What I find interesting is that she doesn't care and she keeps tweeting back, she's not defending her self , she's defending Louis and you. Theres like hundreds of tweets of her defending you guys and she's still tweeting but at least one or two is where she defends herself"

Harry Styles | L.S [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now