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Holding the boys

Harry held Louis hand tightly, standing beside him, planting gentle kisses to Louis' forehead as he whispered sweet nothings to him. He tried to make make this as comfortable as he could for Louis.

Louis felt more at ease with Harry, it felt right. He felt ready, ready to give birth to twin boys even if its a month early and he is having them on May 27 instead of June 15. He felt so comfortable with Harry next to him, loving his presence.

"Okay Louis! I thought it would be better if we did this with only four people. A nurse will help me out, just because of the condition you are in and your social anxiety." Dr. Clarkson says when he walks in the room.

Harry frowns, 'Louis has social anxiety?' . (that's Harry's thought)

"So before we do this, you did receive the epidural, correct?"

Louis nods, "how this is gonna go..."

The doctor lists things and steps on how to give birth and what happens blah blah blah. "Alright then, I'll be back in an hour for the delivery. Remember I suggest no one else in the room, you need to relax and relieve all the stress, no sleeping!" And then he's out.

"I never knew you had social anxiety" Harry mumbled. Louis frowned as he nodded, "I didn't tell you?"

Harry shook his head, "No, you didn't." Louis looked at Harry confused, "really? I thought I did."

"Nope love, you didn't"

"Oh. I do, I had it at twelve years old but was officially diagnosed at thirteen." Louis informed. "Mmm we'll talk more about that later." Harry murmured.

"How did things go?" Louis questioned, refereeing to his new album. "Um... Good! I can't wait for it be released" Harry bimmed. Louis grinned at his excited, very handsome boyfriend. "I can't wait to hear it, its gonna be amazing!"

"I really do hope you like it, worked really hars on it," Harry sighed, kissing Louis' knuckles. "I know you did, we're so proud of you," Louis cooed, pointing to his belly.

"I love you, all three of you. You guys mean the world to me... Don't know what I would do without you! I'm so glad you were the one to spill the hot tea on me," Harry emotionally expressed. "I fell in love with right there and then, when we made eye contact... I just wanted you to myself, I wanted to kiss you, wanted to love you. God Louis the things you do to me," Harry was now, crying on Louis' shoulder. "I love you so much, baby"

"I love you too" Louis himself tearing up. He leaned forwards pressing his lips on Harry's, kissing him sweetly.

Harry kisses back immediately, taking in the moment, wanting it to last.

The heart monitor began to beat faster, a rhythm forming. They pulled away, Louis' cheeks flushed, "oops." They burst into laughter.


"Come on Louis, push!"

"You can do it baby, they're almost here"

"Its hurts!" Louis shouted through gritted teeth, tightening his grip on Harry's hand.

"I know, it'll be over soon I promise"

Louis gave a push, feeling a pop... Down there. "The heads out! One more strong push Louis"

One last push, Louis felt something being pulled out of him, he winces. He then heard a baby cry, causing him and Harry to burst into tears. Harry whispering to him, "you did it baby, just one more"

"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The nurse asked Harry, reaching out a pair of silver scissors. He nods grabbing them, he cuts the cord right where the doctor marked, he hands them to the doctor. He looks at the crying baby boy, who was now being cleaned and wrapped in a blue blanket.

"Here you go, congratulations dad!" The nurse hands Harry the baby. Harry held him close, smiling.

"Look Louis, he's so tiny" He shows Louis the baby. "Oh wow" Louis breathed out, looking down at the tiny baby.

"Soory to ruin the moment, but we have to deliver another baby... Here I'll take him" The nurse says softly, taking the baby from Harry.

"Okay Louis, give me a push, small one... There, perfect... Can you breathe in and out for me?... Push Louis as hard you can"

Louis does, screaming in pain as he felt his ass being ripped open wider. Harry was quick to grab Louis hand.

"Stop. Breathe, good. Give me another push... Perfect, one more, his head his almost out. A big push for me"

Louis pushes and with in seconds the heads out. One last push and the sound of a louder baby cry rings the room.

Harry once again cuts the cord, caressing his son before he is taken away. He returns to Louis' side.

"I'm so proud of you, love. You did so good" Harry cooed, kissing his boyfriend.

Wow He's a dad now....


Hello! Did you like it? I tried on this, it might seem like I didn't but guess who's sick AGAIN! Yup me. Why am I always getting sick god damn.

Thankfully I still have seen energy to update and write, I actually don't have to do anything but lay in bed and write. I have a cold, pretty bad honestly. (Idk how I got a cold since I live in a fucking desert!)

Any who, what are thoughts?! I would love to know!

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