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"So you just left?" Liam questioned. Louis nodded "yeah I don't know why I slapped him, I just felt so angry and i-"

Liam shushed him, pulling Louis into a warm hug. "It'll be okay, I'm sure by tomorrow morning everything will be back to normal, just don't stress about it to much, its not good for you or the twins"

Louis nodded, his head pressed against Liam's chest. "Okay" He whispers.

"Now let's get you to the guest room, you should take a nap" Liam instructed, helping Louis up from the couch. He leads him upstairs, helping him up the stairs, and takes him to the guest room. "If you want you take a bath before napping"

Louis nods because yes that sounds very lovely and relaxing, "alright I'll go look for some cloth you can where" Liam says before closing the door.


"Uh... Louis? I'm sorry for calling you unexpectedly but could we talk?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I know you and Harry had an argument last night... Um he told me to tell you that he was sorry and that he couldn't be there in person because he had to catch a plane and he didn't have time... He'll be back soon though, just give me a call whenever" Gemma says.

Louis bit his lip, holding back the tears. "Thank you Gemma" He hung the phone without saying another word, he began to cry.

He could've at least called himself instead of his sister or at least called him last night. Louis shook his head, trying to calm down for boys sake. He's making a big deal about it, Harry will be back and come after him.

Louis took a deep breath, releasing it before getting up from the bed. He slowly made his way downstairs, grabbing the railing for support.

"Oh you're awake! I was wondering if you- oh god what's wrong?" Liam gasped helping Louis to the couch.

"He left without even calling or apologizing himself... He made his sister call me and tell me he was sorry" Louis laughed humorlessly, shaking his head.

"Wow really... Fucking childish" Liam mumbled, it was more to himself but Louis heard him.

"But whatever I'm over it, I'm done"


Sorry this was short but I wanted to say thank you to everyone who enjoyed reading my books. If you're wondering why all of a sudden I'm thanking you well that's because as I was editing my story master (its completed btw) I noticed how many people were reading it and voting. I'm very thankful you guys all 5.06k + (including everyone else who's reading this and my other books) of you are amazing honestly.

I'm still very sick but its getting better, so thats why I haven't really been so active.

Um don't be afraid to comment or correct me, I'm not that type of person who will attack you if you correct me or even hate on me. I think you all have opinions and there is no one who is stopping you from saying them.

Well that's all, I'll try to update as soon as possible! Bye!


What did Louis meant by 'but whatever I'm over it, I'm done'? Was he talking about his and Harry's relationship?

Comment below what you think and let's see what happens

[554 words]

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