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"Hey baby! I'm back"

Louis runs to him, kissing him hard on the lips. "I love you".

Louis pulled away, pecking his lips multiple times. "I love you too, whats all this about?"

"Oh nothing I was just on wattpad and... I read a couple Larry fanfics and god harry feels, feels harry" Louis sighs.

Harry laughed laying down on the couch, pulling with him. "What were they about?"

"Oh no, that's for me to know, love"

Harry pouts hugging Louis closer, "pwease"


"Pwetty pwease"

"Its not gonna work on me this time"

"But I wanna know, I wanna know about my pretty little princess Lou"

"Well... When you put it that way"


"No Louis! You're gonna get hurt and the baby" Harry pulls Louis inside, closing and locking the door.

"But Harry I really wanna say hi" Louis whined, looking out the window waving at the fans.

"I know but you could get nodded by paps" Harry says.

"There's no paps near, look at them they look so happy and huggable" Louis pouts to himself as he continued to look out the window.

"...fine" Harry gave in, sighing.

"Thank you thank you, I love you much" Louis pecked his lips.

"I lobe you too"


"Oh my god!" The four fans breathed out as they saw Harry and Louis come out of the house (or should I say closet! Haha...okay I should just yeah).

"Hey girls whats your names?" Harry says, arms tightly wrapped around Louis' waist.

"I'm Alice"


"I'm Chloe"

"And I'm Ella"

"Its nice to meet you guys"


"Fuck Louis careful!" Harry grabbed Louis just in time before he could slip and fall.

"I'm fine Harry..." Louis stood up straight.

"Yeah 'cause I caught you, you could've really hurted yourself" Harry says. Louis knew what he meant by 'yourself'. He was talking about the baby.

Louis pulled Harry in to the living room, pushing Harry on couch. "What's gotten you so paranoid?"

"I'm not being paranoid" Harry stated, groaning as he ran his ran hands over his face.

"Uh yeah you are... Come on just tell me"

"I just... I'm scared, I'm scared that I'm gonna lose you and the baby"

"Why do you say that?" Louis questioned with a frown.

"Because of all this... Right now it might be fine but Louis some of my fans like to start shit, sometimes news writer, even management" Harry informed.

"Well as long as we both, or we three know that its not true then you won't lose us... Even if we did separate, we will eventually get back together" Louis stated, pulling Harry in to a death hug.

Harry Styles | L.S [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now