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Talking sex fantasy

Louis has been hanging out with gemma a lot, they go shopping and chat. They even give each other advice.

Gemma was his partner in crime, his BFF, they along so well. Louis can trust her with anything.

"hows everything going?" Gemma asks as she sips her caramel frappé.

"Its going really great, though Harry is a little paranoid" Louis says.

"Yeah well Harry loves kids, always gets along with them. When he carries an infant though he sometimes fears he's going to drop it. That's just Harry though, he'll get over it" Gemma states and Louis smiles, nodding.

"Have you and Harry had sex recently?" Gemma questions, not embarrassed what so ever. Neither was Louis because hey its just sex, everyone has sex.

"Nope... well we haven't had sex ever since Harry and I got back together" Louis confessed, shrugging his shoulder.

Gemma's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, "what?!"

"I know but ever since Harry found out that I was pregnant he's been paranoid and when I do want to have sex he pushes me away and tells me that the baby will get hurt or that he doesn't want to hurt either one of us" Louis says with a sigh at the end taking a sip of his mocha.

"What a dumb fuck" She snorted, letting a short small laugh.

"Yeah... I'm just really tired of it, he doesn't even touch me nor does he let me touch him. Every time I do, again he pushes me away and say how tired he is or he isn't in the mood" Louis issued, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "Its like he's lost interest in me; sexaully because of the baby. I'm just scared that he would lose all interest in me and leave me"

Gemma sighed, putting her hand down on the table, fiddling with her rings as she looked at Louis. "Don't say that or think that either, just because Harry won't do anythibg sexaul with you, doesn't mean he lost interest in you. Maybe Harry is too stressed or something and its blocking away the sex. He's too paranoid to think about that for a second, you need to give him release to calm his paranoia."

"You're right but I don't know what to do" He stated. Gemma bit her lip, thinking of something to say.

"First let thinks get settled for a bit before you try again. Do something new like maybe crossdressing or role play, it could probably help." Gemma advised.

"Okay I'll try, maybe I could do both and look for something on online"

"Oh no, you don't have to get anything online. One of my friends sister actually owns a big shop for cross dressing and things like that, we can go together and I can help you." Gemma informed.

"Oh really? I never seen one over here though" Louis murmured, frowning.

"Really? Its pretty big, its called fantasia. If you want we can go right now and look at things".

Louis nodded " let's go then"

They hop into the car, Louis in the passenger seat and Gemma in the drivers seat.

"Oh and don't worry about the paps or someone seeing you, the store has levels. And the windows are tinted. Trust me you are gonna fall in love" Gemma assured, as she drove away from the café.

After a couple of minutes Louis sees the store and woah its big. The words 'Fantasia' are big bold letters in pink.

Gemma parks the car, before they got out and made their way into the store. The store was huge and there were bras, underwear, and night gowns sorted in to different brands.

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