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TITLE: 𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗿 

𝐖𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐏O𝗩

I was just chilling in my room, scrolling through my social medias, when I received a notifications from a twitter group.

They were discussing about going to a party which I wasn't informed.

"What party?" I messaged the group. The group that consist of me, Phi New, Phi Krist, and Phi Gun.

They said that it was a party hosted by Bright and I was also invited so I should be ready cause they are picking me up.

I didn't really have time to complain as they are already on their way here.

I sat on my bed contemplating if I should go or not. I still don't want to see him but I also don't want to trouble my Phi's so I'll just ignore him.

I went inside the car as soon as they arrived in front of my house. I sat there quietly and just looked out the window.

I'm nervous, I don't know why but I feel like I'm not yet ready to face him again after almost 3 months.

When we got there, the first thing I saw was Bright talking with his friends.

He waved his hands at us but I didn't dare to look at his eyes.

"Umm, so everyone's here now, let's start this party," Bright spoke in the mic

"But before that, I have a surprise for you guys." Everyone including me got confused and shocked.

"I want to introduce to you the person that was with me through my darkest time and someone who helped me to become a better person."

I was just staring at him with no emotion. There's a sting in my heart but I just stood there frozen.

"Ms. Tu Tontawan, my girlfriend," Bright introduced and a girl came next to him.

I followed her every steps with my eyes. She's so pretty. Much prettier than me.

"My girlfriend that is soon to be Mrs. Chivaaree!" He knelt to the ground and evident on that girl's face that she was shocked.

Everyone else was shouting and clapping as Bright pulled a ring out and asked the girl if she wants to marry him.

Cheers went louder but it gets softer in my ears until the only thing I hear is ringing. My world was spinning and they were the only ones I see.

I didn't even realize that I was crying until P'Tay caressed and shook me gently.

"E-excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom," I excused myself and went to cry in the bathroom.

How can he move on just like that? Did he invite me here just to insult me? Add an insult to an injury?

I texted P'Krist that I'm going first because I'm not feeling well.

When I was about to go out the restroom, I bumped into someone. Someone I don't want to see at the moment.


"I'm sorry I didn't see you there," I said and hurried to leave but he held my arms.

"Are you crying?" He asked the obvious.

"No jus—"


"H-huh?" I looked up at him

"Why are you crying?" He asked again

" 'Why'? You are asking me why?" My voice is raising.

"Well I'm sorry cause I can't just let go of that 2 years we've been together Bright. I still love you and it still hurts."

"We've been in love for almost 3 years and you're just gonna let it go like nothing happened?" I cried harder

"But aren't you the one who cheated first?!" Bright raised his voice at me.

"That was my sister! You didn't even let me explain!" I'm angry but I'm trying to control it.

He was speechless but I didn't care. I wiped my tears and smiled a fake one.

"I gotta go now, you should hurry too, your fiance must be waiting for you now." I turned around.

"W-win, look." I stopped in my tracks

"I-I'm really sorry for what I've done before, I—"

"Look, Bright, I'm going to be okay. So I hope you're happy with her."

"I hope you're happy...but don't be happier."

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