Off's Wedding Day pt.3

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Off's POV

"Do you take this girl as your wife?"

I heard the priest said so I looked up but no words came out, I looked into my bride's eyes. She's waiting for my answer, I want to talk but somethings stopping me from doing it,


Before I can even finish the word, the church door slammed open and that's when I heard his shout,


I turned immediately and saw him there running to me, I smiled while my tears are rolling down my face, I run to him and hugged him while saying his name,




Gun's POV

I'm sitting on the sofa with a photo album in my hand, an album full me and Papi's pictures. Tears kept on flowing down my face as I flipped through pages of the album, remembering all the moments and memories we had together.

Right across me is my sister, she's looking at me with sad eyes, she knows how I feel about Papi.

"P'Gun Kha, " she cold softly, I already know what she's going to say.

"Mmm?" I hummed softly and looked at her

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" I asked and put the album down.

"Why are you hurting yourself again and again?"

I smiled at her but my tears keep falling,

" Is there anything I can do now? She loves him, he loves her. There's nothing I can do Pim"

"There is something Phi!"


"Crash the wedding! I know it sounds crazy but Phi, you love him, you belong to him and you're the one for him. You belong to each other"

I cried harder hearing her words, can I do that? Can I really ruin his happiness for my own good?

I suddenly stood up,

"Where are you going Phi?"

"Doing what you said, " I went to my car and drove fast to the church,

"Wait for me, Papi"


Gun drove faster but he got into an accident even before he reached the church.

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