chapter 06

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It is ten in the morning we I enter the United Fighting offices, 'Do not fear' I say to my self as I go to the reception. "Excuse me miss, is Councillor DeBurg available" I say to the receptionist.

"Yes do you have an appointment" she answers

"No but he is expecting me, please tell him John Mallory is here for him" I say.

She dials a number, "Mr DeBurg you have a John Mallory here to see you"

"His office is the fifth office from the elevator on the sixth floor and he is waiting for you" she says.

"Thank you" I say while making my way to the elevator. I press the fifth floor button and the elevator hums to life as it begins its journey up. First, second, third and so on, I count until I am interrupted by a ‘Ding’ sound indicating that I have reach the fifth floor.

I walk out of the elevator and start counting again but this time it is the offices I pass and I reach the office written 'Senior Partner Anthony DeBurg' with golden ink. I stand outside the office for a few seconds as to prepare myself for whatever awaits me on the other side of the door.

I knock once and hear, “come in” and after getting in, I see the smiling face of my parents’ lawyer sitting on a brownish desk with a lot of files on his desk. He offers me a seat across from him.

"John it is a pleasure to meet you again, please take a seat and we will" says Mr. DeBurg, "Wow look at you all grown up, the last time I saw you, you were about eight years of age"

"OK here is a letter from your father; you can read it later" he hands the letter to me, then continues,” Now since you are the sole beneficiary to your family home and wealth, which equals to ten billion dollars. The estate consists of a house with all its contents. Since your parents died by being hit head on by a truck, I made a lawsuits and the payout was fifty million dollars, and I invested that along with the rest of your parents money, and over the years it has grown"

"Wow" is all I said because I'm in a state of shock, and after signing all documents which transfers the wealth and my family home to me, he takes me to the bank to do all the necessary processes needed to transfer all monies to me. When done with the bank, I am given a gold card and a checkbook.  We head to the Federal Reserve Bank offences to take care of the inherence taxes and after that he takes me to the hotel to get me to my room so I can soak up and relax since it has been a long day.

Once I am in my room, I get room service to bring me dinner. I decide to watch some TV and almost everything on TV is boring but I find some show called Supernatural [Picture provided] about some brothers named; Sam and Dean Winchester. They are hunters of evil supernatural beings.

Dinner arrives ten minutes after the show ends and as I eat I found a repeat of the Originals TV show and I decided to watch it since I have nothing else to watch and it is awesome. When I finish my dinner, I head to the bathroom to take a shower and after that I switch of the TV along with the lights and get on the bed.

Sleep does not come so I kind of go over the day’s events and I don’t believe it that from penniless yesterday to billionaire today. I make a decision to learn how to make investments so I can always have a growing wealth and I also decide to make some donations to the Lakes of Hope foundation. Sleep takes me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dream ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I am standing in the most beautiful meadow with a pond; I take a walk around enjoying the peacefulness of the place. I can only describe such a place as the garden of gods even though I don’t think they exist.

Suddenly a large golden panther slams into me and starts licking me for all its worth. I was frozen in terror for a moment before relaxing as I see it is a friendly animal.

It suddenly runs and something forces me on my feet to run after it and I catch it sulking by the beautiful pond. I go to it and run my hand on its beautiful golden fur while asking what has made it sad.

I felt my heart break for it, it reminded me of how I was for the last six years and something in me just tells me to accept it and to tell it.

“I accept you” I tell this golden majestic creature, it pecks up and lifts it paw and places it on my head then moves it to my heart and then it licks me. I felt something enter me when it was done with whatever it was doing.

We start playing a game of chasing each other even though I am slow and tire quickly. Even for a dream, this is the most exercise I have had in years so I am not in the best shape of my life to be playing chase with a panther but it is fun.

When we are done with chasing each other, we fall to the grass and it starts licking my face and I also lick it so as to feel how it feels to be licked.

The panther sits up and looks at me with what I think is a sad smile on its face, I also sit up and we look each other in the eye for some time.

I start to notice a sort of fog forming in the meadow and I can barely see the panther because this fog is growing fast and it is thick.

“By my friend, I’ll be there when you’re ready” says a voice in my head

“Who are you? What do you mean by ready?”

“It’s not yet the time for you to know who I am to you” the voice continues

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