Chapter 21

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Michael's POV

It has been four days since me and my friend, Lizzie arrived in the US of A. When we got to Washington, we first sorted everything out at customs then we went out the airport and looked at the view of what is to be our new country.

While we were walking and looking at our new surroundings, we came across an old man trying to fix his car but by the looks of things he has no knowledge of anything about car fixing. I took pity on him and decided to help him with my knowledge of cars even though I have not practice it in two years.

It is amazing what one can do with duct-tape alone; the car only needed a bit of patching up and duct-tape was up to the task. While helping that old man, I learnt that his name is Anthony DeBurg and he is a lawyer. We got to chat and he even offered us a ride to wherever we are headed and we declined stating that we are job hunting and also looking for a place to stay.

Mr DeBurg offered us a job as caretakers of the property belonging to one of his clients who is currently on a vacation around the world. Lizzie and I jump at the opportunity to have income and a roof above our heads. The property we are to take care off is located near a small town called Action and we found out that it is owned by a Mr John Malloy.

Mr DeBurg offered us a place to stay for the night before for taking us to where we are to stay and work. I am eternally grateful to Mr DeBurg for his generosity, Lizzie and I did not plan ahead of us arriving in America.


I wake up early Saturday morning and decide to surprise my friend with breakfast and also because I am kind of hungry. I make my bed and then head to the bathroom to take care of my bathroom business like using the toilet, showering, shaving and brushing my teeth.

After getting out of the bathroom, I wear what used to be my signature clothes two years ago; purple shirt and black jean with my converse. I head to the kitchen and start cooking; sausages, pancakes, and also cereal.

I also make orange juice freshly squeezed; I decide to head to the dining room to place all the breakfast before waking Lizzie up. I don't blame her for not waking because we kind of had a movie marathon last night. The only reason I am awake is because for some reason I couldn't sleep properly and I seem to be on edge, it's like something big is going to happen today.

When returned to the kitchen to fetch the other platter of food, I almost scream at what is standing in front of me. There standing in the middle of the kitchen is buff looking guy wearing slick shirt and some jean shorts. He looks at me and raises his left eyebrow in a questioning gesture.

"Who are you and what is your business in my house?" asks the guy still with his raised left eyebrow.


John's POV

I wake up early Saturday morning to an amazing aroma, I think to myself: these guys are up early. I make my bed and then head to the bathroom to do my morning business, and after I am done in the bathroom, I decide to wear a slick shirt and some jean shorts.

I head downstairs to get myself breakfast and by this aroma I smell, I know that I am going to enjoy myself. I also decide to tell my friends about me being an alpha and my plans of making a first pack of were-panthers.

In the kitchen I look around hoping to find the cook of such wonderful food and my eyes fall on this kind of skinny guy coming from the direction of the dining room. He is wearing a purple shirt, black jean and converse sneakers.

I can see that he is deep in thought that he doesn't see me until he enters the kitchen, he catches himself before screaming. I can feel a slight fear coming from him as he looks at me so I just raise my left eyebrow in a questioning gesture but he keeps looking at me. I feel connected to him somehow, and not at I feel connected to were-panthers but I feel like I should help him with something.

"Who are you and what is your business in my house?"

'Umm' the guy mumbles and clears his throat, "My name is Michael and I guess you are Mr John Mallow, I was hired along with my friend as caretakers by Mr DeBurg" says this guy

"Ok it's a pleasure to meet you but I did not get your surname" I say as I assess whether there is truth in what he has told me.

Before Michael answers, a girl that is kind of skinny with red hair made into a bun comes bouncing into the kitchen and stops dead in her tracks. She looks at me and sniffs the air then look at me with an unreadable look. I can smell the wolf in her and it is a high ranked wolf and I think it is a beta wolf because the dominance radiating of her is not as overpowering at alphas.

"Mr Mallow this is my best friend Elizabeth but I call her Lizzie" says Michael while gesturing to the redhead.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mr Mallow and please do not fire us because of us being were-wolves" says the Lizzie girl

"It is also a pleasure to meet you too Lizzie, please call me John and do not worry, I won't be firing anyone"

We decide to head to the dining room and not before long my friends join us and introductions are made and we eat breakfast with light conversation between us. After we are done we head in the back yard because I feel like it will be an appropriate place for what I am about to reveal to both my friends and the new ones because I feel I can trust all of them.

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