Chapter 23

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When we arrived home, the others went to pack their clothes in their rooms while I stock up the kitchen with grocery. By the time I finished everyone was pilling in the family room to watch some TV. I guess humans are right when they say ‘girls are the majority no matter how many they are’ because we ended up watching vampire diaries.

When I look at Michael, I can feel something drawing me to him, saying I must look deeper into him and help him. I focus directly on him, eliminating every sound from my mind and what I make a shocking discovery, there is a mirror like thing and on the other side of it is a black wolf, there is a faint connection between these two. The black wolf is looking kind of sad and depressed, it remind me of that dream where I first saw Gold.

“Gold can you see what I am seeing? Please tell me that I am not hallucinating”

“Yeah it’s weird, I wander what happened” says Gold

“Do you think I should ask him?”

“No way man, don’t do that, it might be a sore subject” says Gold

“Ok will not”

After that I cut of the connection, I feel something compelling me to touch Mike, it’s like by touching him; all my questions regarding his situation will be answered. When I look around, I see that everyone has fallen asleep while watching TV which means I have been deep in thought for some time.

I get off the couch and go around shaking everyone awake, some groan but get up to head to their rooms. When my hand touches Mike to shake him; I get my answers in the form of revelation of the past.
There is a war between one of the royal houses and rogue wolves; the rogue wolves’ leader wants the princess of the western wolf kingdom. It is said the princess has beauty that cannot be compared to another supernatural in the world.

The western wolf kingdom is ruled by the black-paw family, this is the family of the black wolves because every person born to this family is a black wolf. The rest of the royal wolves have black with patches of other colours. Unlike the Redmoon family which is the family of white wolves.

The black wolves and white wolves are the strongest and fastest wolves that have ever existed. They have the ability to control elements.

The war was a fierce one, many royal wolves were killed and to make sure that the western wolf kingdom would never rise; the leader of the rogue wolves had a powerful warlock cast a powerful spell to separate the black wolf and it’s human for all generations.

The western wolf kingdom fell, the surviving royal wolves became scatted and one of those scatted wolves was the youngest son of the king. He is the ancestor of Michael and every generation a black wolf would be born but the curse will always be there also.

When I awoke from the revelation, everyone is looking at me, waiting for me to come to. Through the window, I see the sun’s rays meaning I have been standing in the same spot for hours.

“So dude what is up with you standing still and not responding to our calls” says Lizzie

“Yeah John, I awoke to your hand on me, what’s up with that” says Mike

“I need to go and take a shower; I will explain everything when I get back. I just need time to think”

I walk out and head to my room to take a shower, the shower washes sleep from me. When I am done with everything that should be done in the bathroom, I get back to my room and pull some sweatpants and t-shirt from the closet.

I return back to the gang in time to join them for breakfast, the breakfast is muffins, sausages, and toast along with guava juice. There is light conversation and I can feel that they are waiting on me to shed light on what happened to me.

“Mike I know why you cannot transform to your wolf form. Your wolf is powerful but there is a curse on it”

“How do you know this? How can I break this curse?” asks Mike

“When I touched you to wake you last night, I got a revelation of the past. You are more powerful than the normal alpha and I can help you with this curse”

After we are done with breakfast, we head to the back yard because just like yesterday I feel like it will be an appropriate place for what I am about to do. If what I am going to do becomes successful, Mike will undergo his first transformation.

I take Mike’s hands so I can recite the words of purification by light. This is an incarnation I read in the book titled: the secret of light. Basically this incarnation is for cleansing the soul.

Light shine light shine
Rays of eternal light shine
Break that which is not pure
Unbind that has been unlawfully bound

Light shine light shine
Rays of eternal light shine
Purify the one I direct you too
Eternal light break the bind

A bright white light came forth from me and surrounded Michael, when the curse broke, dark purple shone from Michael. The light repaired the connections between the black wolf and Michael.

The minute I finish reciting the incarnation, the bright light stopped shining and then a loud piercing, horrifying, agonizing scream can be heard as Mike collapses on the ground in all four. Cracks can be heard as bones break, sweat can be seen as he shifts.

After what felt like hours but in reality it was a few minutes, a large black wolf was trying to stand in all fours but failing since it’s still low on energy. The black wolf simply collapses on the ground and fall into unconsciousness and then shifts back to human and mike is seen sleeping on the ground.

Jeff comes forward and picks up Mike from the ground and carries him into the house up to his room. The rest of us decide to go and lounge around the pool while we wait for Mike to regain consciousness.

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