Chapter 15

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After reading and finishing it in four hours, I decide to call it a night. Placing my great grandfather's diary in the nightstand, I switch off my lights and tried to get some sleep.

After lying on the bed for twenty minutes, my mind decided to go over everything I have learnt in my great-grandfather's diary about my family so far. First my great grandfather's grandfather migrated here from somewhere in England.

My family house was built by his father when he got in America and that there is a secret room within the house and its location is under the under earth and its entrance is below the bright star. In this room are the books of knowledge of the lineage.

Great grandfather says that by training and endurance is your true self unlocked and released. His true self is a pure black panther and could also read people's minds and make fire by his mind. It says that if more in the family should welcome their heritage, then we could concur the world for we are the strongest there is and our family has certain magical abilities and mostly they can control all four elements (fire, water, air and nature).

Depending on your eye colour a certain element may be dominant and comes more naturally then the others. And it also says there are diaries and books within the secret room that explain about shifting into our panther state at will and also communication.

I do not know when I slept but the next thing I know my alarm clock wakes me up from a dream about a war between panthers and something. Looking at my alarm clock it is 06:03, so I wake up to start my day. It is Thursday, the day of doing laundry and cleaning the whole house.

I take my laundry along with the dirty clothes that Jess left behind and go to load them in the washer and leave them to start cleaning the family room along with the dining room. I vacuum, sweep, dust, and mop where needed.

I finished both doing laundry and cleaning the house in two hours meaning it was a little pass eight when I finished. I decided to go and make myself a quick breakfast before beginning my daily exercise routine.

I used the treadmill since it was a rainy day meaning I cannot run around the property. I did all aspects of my training that were lacking due to training at a slow pace to keep up with Jess.

After training for four hours straight, I went and took a well-deserved shower, then went and got some lunch. I ate my lunch while watching some daytime programme called Judge Judy but my focus shifting to my great-grand father's diary. I decided to go and look for this so called secret room.

"Secret room within the house and its location is under the under earth and its entrance is below the bright star." they are the words that kept going over and over in my mind.

The words 'under the under earth' came into focus in my mind. I thought of the basement since it is basically under the earth, so I made it my starting point.

In the basement I looked around everywhere looking for an entrance but not being successful. Then the words 'below the bright star' came into focus and since I could not see a star beside the light, then it clicked. Then it all made sense, the globe is the star since it brings light as the star.

Looking on my hands and knees below the light and everything looked normal since the floor is tiled. I started knocking on the floor tiles trying to locate a place with the loudest of noise.

It took thirty minutes of knocking and listening to find that tile, I quickly removed the tile to find print of a panther paw and with words 'your paw on my paw' so I did as instructed and thus opening a door leading to a dark room. I went to my room and took the lamp to give me light below.

There is a stair case leading down below, which I descended on. The room was dusty with corners having spider webs. I saw a table with a chair which I assume is for reading, two shelves; one with a daily of Larry Bronx and three books: The Secret of Ancient magic, The Ancient History of Navia [please the prologue book] and the secret of light

The other shelf has books and all are of supernaturals; vampires, were- wolves, shape-shifters, mermaids, fairies, hybrids, and were-lions, are some of the books on the shelf. There was even a book on making the proper potion and spell correct pronunciations

I took all the books on the first shelf to the family room so I can study them on a comfortable place. I did not close the secret room since I am likely to return the books after I am done studying them.

I studied everything from three o'clock Thursday afternoon up until Friday afternoon. Interesting information and large amounts of coffee kept me awake for reading and absorbing every little detail. All the spells of the Navian people were now safely recorded in my photographic memory. Every direction of how to use the element of light was now also absorbed.

When I was done studying the four books, I returned them on their shelves and after that I reclosed the secret room on my way out. I went and took a relaxing bubble bath before going to bed and slept with thoughts of my lineage not really originally earth and also that there is another supernatural world out there beside Alfea.

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