chapter 24

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I wake up early to my alarm clock, I silence it then make my bed and before going to the bathroom. After getting out of the bathroom, I wear my workout clothes which are: a sweater, a basketball short, and sneakers. I head downstairs to get myself breakfast before starting training.

I reach the kitchen and see that the whole gang is already here and waiting for me. Yesterday after Mike woke up from his little nap, we agreed to have training early in the morning for three hours and then two hours in the evening. I take my seat while giving them my greetings and begin eating.

After we are done with breakfast, we head to the back yard to begin training. The guys are wearing the same as me and the girls are wearing tank tops with shorts and sneakers.

“Last night before sleep, I thought about forming an alliance between my pride and you guys so we can use mind link”

“Yea I also thought of that and I also came up with a name of the pack I want to create; the Golden Warrior pack. I would like to make Lizzie my beta” says Mike as he turns to face Lizzie

“I alpha Michael Black hereby create the Golden Warrior pack and also make Elizabeth White my beta. Do you Elizabeth White accept the role of beta of the Golden Warrior pack? Do you pledge your loyalty to me as your alpha and also do you promise to protect the pack and teat its members as family” says Mike while holding Lizzie’s hands

“I Elizabeth White accept the role of beta of the Golden Warrior pack and also pledge my loyalty to my alpha, I swear to protect the pack and treat the members of the pack as family” says Lizzie

The mark of the Golden Warrior pack can be seen which is a golden arrow surrounded by the full moon. The mark is on their left arm.

“I guess what is left is to say the words to make the alliance. I John Leroy Malloy, alpha of the Golden Crown pride hereby make an alliance of friendship, and protection with the Golden Warrior pack”

I Michael Black, alpha of the Golden Warrior pack hereby make an alliance of friendship, and protection with the Golden Crown pride”

The second the words to make the alliance are said; thoughts of both Lizzie and Mike can be heard. We all return to our proper positions with me in the front facing the gang while they are in a line facing me.

“Guys, I will train your endurance, speed, strength and how to fight. To train your endurance, we will be running around this property first in human form then in your other form.  As time goes on, I will be adding weights on you as you run to increase your speed. To add muscles on you, we will be going to the gym after our running exercise to lift some weights. Do you understand so far?”
A chorus of yeses can be heard.

“Now to teach you how to fight, I have decided to teach you three fighting technics; Karate, boxing, and Ju-Jitsu. I will also be teaching you how to use weapons because weapons can be extension of our bodies”

I give the signal by waving my hand and then off we go. We run two times around the property in human form then three times around the property in our other forms. One and a half hour later, the running exercise is completed, and now it time for weight lifting.

When we are done with training for the time being, we head into the house to take our showers before having lunch and after that chilling around the pool since it is kind of hot today.

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