Chapter 12

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A few days have passed and my guest is still unconscious. In these few days, I went to town and bought my guest clothing. I bought everything in fours; four shirts, t-shirts, long and short skirts, long and short pants, and underwear. I also bought shoes, four different types and also bought her some bathroom essentials.

I went home with an almost full car, my beautiful Mazda 6 [Picture provided] which is my pride and joy. I placed the clothing in the room closet.

At the moment I am selling and buying stocks on my home office computer. I converted my old room to a home office equipped with book shelves with books varying from ancient Egyptian history to modern world innovation. I have been at it for three hours and I am interrupted by loud scream from the guest room.

I rush their and found my guest sitting at the corner of the room hugging her knees to her chest. I slowly walk to her, softly telling her that she is safe in this house, no one will hurt her as long as I am around.

When I reach her, I seat on the floor near her and hug her to my chest showing her that I am not the threat and when that has registered in her mind, she starts to sob.

We seat on the floor for ten minutes as she cries, then hiccups and then she stops and mumbles sorry but I just hug her more. She squirms and asks for the bathroom, and I take her to the hall bathroom and tell that she can have a bath if she likes, then leave her to do her business.

I wait for her in the guest room and after twenty minutes of waiting she comes into the room wearing a towel around her body. She enters and asks to borrow some clothes and I point her to the closet and tell her to find me at my office next room when she is done.

In my office, I check my stock profile then signing off my account. I decide to do something I have been putting off and that is contacting Gold since he has been very quiet.

"Hey Gold, are you there?"

"I am always here you fool, it's just that I have been giving you time since your life has been hectic with worrying about the little panther" answers Gold

"So does it mean that I am I am now full supernatural"

"Yes and so much more. You have alpha blood and that is all I can tell you at the time" says Gold

"Wow" is all I say before my guest knocks on my door.

I tell her to enter and motion for her to join me at the couch as I stand up. She sits facing me while I sit facing her. Looking at her, I see that all the scratches have all healed including that huge gush on her stomach.

She is 5 foot 5 (165 cm) tall, is kind of skinny but not bones skinny, brownish eyes along with brownish blond hair that goes to her shoulder.

"So, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is John Malloy and who might you be?" I ask her breaking the silence.

"I am Jessica Red-Claw and thank you for saving me" answers Jess

"So Jess, do you mind telling me what all that was about?"

"Those guys followed me from town when I was going to Supernatural Academy and they wanted to kill me for simply being a were-panther since they view us as the weakest form of supernatural" answers Jess with a tear running down her face.

"Can you tell me what is Supernatural Academy?"

"How do you not know about Supernatural Academy since I remember correctly that you were a panther even though I think I imagined your fur colour because there has never been a panther with golden hair colour" says Jess

"Well my friend, that day was my first shift and before that I did not know any were-panthers nor any other supernatural for that matter. You are right my fur colour is gold but the why, I have no clue"

"Ok, it is a school for all supernatural types, the cancel demands that from age sixteen all supernatural children attend" answers Jess

"Can you give me information on any supernatural out there?"

"I can only tell you that vampires, were-wolves and shape-shifters do exist. If you want more information and have a computer with an internet connection, I can get in the school's server and download the booklet with this type of information for you" says Jess

I point her to the computer on my desk and off she went to get me the booklet she mentioned. I lie down on the couch and wait for her to call me when the download is finished.

It takes thirty minutes for the download to finish and when she called me to check it out, I saw that it is titled: Enter the Supernatural and it is too long and when I look at the time on the computer, I see that it is dinner time, so I take Jess down to the kitchen to get some food in our stomach.

I cook Spanish meatballs and butter bean stew which take fifteen minutes to prepare and thirty-five minutes to cook. Within that time, I have also prepared and made some Apple Pie Doughnuts for dessert. I serve the food with red wine on the side.

At dinner, I learn more about her life; how she is an only child and her mother is a human making her a very weak panther by her standard. How were-panthers are mistreated but the council chooses to ignore them since they have no royal house or any alpha blood making them the weakest of all supernaturals in their books.

After dinner, Jess helps me wash dishes then she excuses herself to sleep and I return to my office to learn of this supernatural world, I find myself a part of.

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