Chapter 14

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I started reading the booklet at about eight pm and the next thing I know it is about three o’clock the next day, so I have been at this for nine hours. I decide to go to bed and digest this new information.

I get up and drag myself to the couch, throw myself on it. Before falling into an exhausted sleep, I made a decision to read my great-grandfather’s diary and find out the place of my family in this supernatural world.

When I woke up, it was ten in the morning and after tending to my bathroom business, I ventured to the kitchen for some breakfast before getting today’s training exercise.

When I got to the kitchen, I found a full American breakfast on the table and the culprit is sitting at the dinner table waiting for me to arrive so as to start eating.

“Morning how was your sleep?”

“I slept like a baby and what about you?” answers Jess.

“Good I guess. You know that you shouldn’t have waited for me to eat’

“Don’t worry I haven’t been waiting long” says Jess.

We begin to eat and let me tell you coming from me, someone who has cooked for most of his adult life. This girl can cook and if I allowed her to cook for me every day, I will return to my former fat self.

“So I guess you read that entire book since you came down her at this time” says Jess.

“Yea and I find this new information interesting, to think that vampires and wizards are real”

“Well I wish I never was born a supernatural because they can be more nasty then humans” says Jess.

“Can you tell me more of what is learnt at this Supernatural academy? Who knows maybe it will interest me so much I could join you when you return”

“OK, I will do my best. The Supernatural council has six schools around the world known as supernatural academies and are located on all the continents of the world. There is the Moon-Light Supernatural Academy in California, Moon-Bream Supernatural Academy in Brazil, Lunar-Knight Supernatural Academy in Ireland, Solar-Dawn Supernatural Academy in Greece, Majestic-Light Supernatural Academy in Egypt, and Claw-Dawn Supernatural Academy in China

I go to Moon-Light Supernatural Academy and have been going there since I was sixteen years old when I first shifted to my panther. We learn how to survive in the supernatural world, history of supernaturals and also we are trained in fighting technics and supernatural abilities. We also learn human subjects such as maths and science” explains Jess.

“Wow I will have to do some serious thinking but at the meantime let me go on my daily run around my property. You can join me if you like” I say finishing washing breakfast dishes.

We ran around the property twenty times in two and a half hours and when I looked at Jess, I saw that she is exhausted and winded. I saw that she is not used to my type of exercising but I think I will introduce her to it.

When we got back the house, Jess throw herself on the couch, I just stood and shook my heard at her lack of stamina. I left her on the couch and went out to my gym to continue my daily exercise and meditation.

After I was done with my daily exercise, I went back to the main house to get some lunch and found Jess still lying on the couch. I went to the kitchen and made ham sandwich along with orange juice for the both of us.

I went back and join Jess on the couch, giving her lunch and turning my attention to my own lunch. While eating we made conversation, her telling me that the school does not really train were-panthers but can sometime use them as practice dummies. The school believes that training will be wasted on such weak supernaturals, so they only there to learn history and fulfil the law of the council that all supernaturals of age sixteen must attend the school.

When all that was said, I told her of my plans to get her in some form of exercise regime if she has at least time before she is really needed at the school and she told me that she has about two weeks and three days since she was planning on getting there three weeks early, thus that incidence occurred.


The following two weeks went by pretty much the same but with Jessica’s training underway. I focused on training her endurance and increasing her speed along with teaching her some basic karate moves so she is not venerable in fights. I also got her used to eating healthy most of the time

By the time the two weeks were up, she could run ten cycles around my property without winding up and has also gain a little muscle on her body. She could also hold herself in a fight. We have gotten close to one another to a point of almost calling ourselves each other’s friend.

Also in the two weeks I have learnt all there is to know about her life; that she has a loving family, and she is the oldest having a six year old brother that she is close to and mixes badly. That she was bullied in school for having an uninteresting body and also for the fact of being the weakest for of hybrid having been born of human and were-panther parents.


When she was leaving, I drove her three hours from Action town to the edge of a forest that was surrounded by a huge yellowish-red fog. I just knew that in human minds the place does not exist and I also knew that the fog was a clocking spell to prevent human’s from seeing the place.

I was kind of sad when she had to leave but I reminded myself that after I have gotten used to the whole thing of being a full supernatural and also finding out my family supernatural history, I will join her school and maybe by luck I will see her.

When I returned from dropping her, I decided to read my great-grandfather’s diary and begin my research into family’s history. I went and took it from its hiding place in the closet and read its title; the Diary of Leroy Malloy, then read its contents while lying on the bed.

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