Chapter 18

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When I got out, they gave me a once over and I could see in their eyes that they were almost as disgusted as they were when they thought I was a human being. Headmistress Trinity told me to go and shift back to my human form.

When I got back after shifting back and wearing my clothes, the headmistress motioned for me to follow her as she went inside the administration office.

Entering her office, my earlier assumptions of the place having no electricity were false since when the headmistress started typing on her computer and then a printer at the far corner of the office hummed as it came into life.

Headmistress Trinity handed me my schedule along with my locker information and the rules and regulations booklet. She also gave that booklet titled Enter the Supernatural which is already stored within my brain. I assessed my schedule and found it interesting.

John Leroy Malloy

-Supernatural type: Were-panther

-Uniform colour: Grey

-Placement: Animalism

-Housing: The shift-Dormitory, first floor, room A1

-Roommate: Jeffry Blackstrong


_______Mondays & Thursdays_______

Lesson 1: History of shifter (Room 115)

Lesson 2: Science (Room 300)

Lesson 3: Training exercise (Field 01)

Lunch – sit with were-panthers (Dining Hall)

Lesson 4: Mathematics

Lesson 5: Free period

_____Tuesdays & Wednesdays______

Lesson 1: History of Supernaturals (Room 105)

Lesson 2: Music (Theatre 01)

Lesson 3: Shifts psychology

Lunch – sit with were-panthers (Dining Hall)

Lesson 4: Drama (Theatre 02)

Lesson 5: Organised hunting (Northern forest)


Team and individual fighting competitions will be hosted (Tournament Hall)

When I finish assessing my schedule, I looked up to the headmistress to see her with a small unsettling smile; her smile is saying I know something you will not enjoy. A knock came on the door, and then entered a person who I was with in my first plane ride.

“Welcome Mr Blackstrong, nice for you to join us. Please meet your roommate Mr John Leroy Malloy” introduced the headmistress

“Yes headmistress, and it’s a pleasure to meet you John” says Jeff

“Nice to meet you too, thank you headmistress for welcoming me”

“Mr Blackstrong, please show Mr Malloy to his room and also show him around” says headmistress Trinity

We say our goodbyes as Jeff leads me out of the office, the way he is walking is like he is waiting for someone to attack him at any moment, he is nervous and takes long strides when walking. We walk in silence, passing glaring students and snickering students along the hall way.

We walk out the side entrance of this castle like school into the field full of big houses; one red, another black, violet and green, another blue, another pink and fuchsia, and another brown, ebony, orange and grey.

We entered in the one coloured brown, ebony, and grey, passing a common area with stairs leading to the rooms upstairs. The common area had a three couches and a coffee table. We reached our room, room A1 and entered. I placed my luggage on the bed indicated by Jeff.

The room is not that big but also not that small, has two beds that have grey coloured covers and are separated by a book case with some book that I think belong to Jeff. There is a small bathroom with toilet and shower and sink, and also two drawers; one on each side of the bathroom door.

“So Jeff, when I saw you that day we met on the plane, you were coming here?”

“Yea and I did not know that were a supernatural and were-panther for that matter. I still can’t tell because your scent is human” says Jeff

“I didn’t really know anything of any supernatural or the fact that I am one of them. I found out about a three weeks ago when this girl needed some help”

“Ok I get it. Why don’t you have a scent of a were-panther?” says Jeff

“I can’t tell you because I don’t know myself. So what does the different colours on the houses mean?”

“They represent different supernaturals and also we have to wear the colours assigned to us every time, we are not allowed to wear the colours that belong to other supernaturals. Any other colour can be worn” says Jeff

Red = vampire
Black = Wizard
Violet = Witch
Green = Warlock
Blue = Mer-people
Pink = Fairy (fay)
Fuchsia = Fairy (fae)
Brown = Were-wolves
Ebony = Were-lion
Grey = Were-panther
Orange = Shape-shifter

After his explanation, he told me to wear my grey uniform that is in my drawers so he can take me on a tour of the school and then go to the dining hall to have our dinner.

We started by looking at all the fields and moved to the tournament hall. The tournament hall is kind of like an auditorium of some sort. We moved to the main building where we checked labs, classrooms and the library. The library is bigger than at my first high school, and I can see books of all types of supernaturals.

After touring the school, we went to the dining hall to get dinner. The dining hall is huge, in the front is the stage and near it is the school stuff dining table facing all the others. All the tables are huge, and sitting is according to the class of supernatural.

Large dishes flew into the room and different types of aromas filled the dining hall, some mouth-watering and others not so much. When the food arrived on our table and on our end of the table we got the food that makes one gag.

All the mouth-watering meals were given to the so called supernatural higher ups. I saw everyone eating without paying attention to the smell and colour of the food. So I also ate but almost through up but told myself it will only last one week. The alpha in me was not happy with food without even simple meat.

Dinner was slow and kind of quiet on our end, everyone minding their own business and waiting for the higher ups to begin their torment. I looked up to meet the all so familiar eyes of my friend Jessica and with a smile, I greeted her and she returned my greeting with a smile.

Once dinner was done, all the were-panthers stood up and started collecting the dishes from all the tables and I stood up with them and became a servant for other supernaturals. It became clear that this school views us as servant supernaturals. The males collected the dishes and the females are to wash them.

After two hours of work, Jeff and I went out to our house, and Jessica asked to come to my room to chat. Jessica and Jeffry were already good friends so there was no third wheel in our conversation. We chatted until curfew time which is eleven at night.

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