Chapter 17

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I wake up on Monday morning to an annoying sound of my alarm clock, looking at it; I see that it is seven o’clock. I go to the bathroom to take care of my morning business and then wear my exercise clothes before heading out for my last run around the property.

I run up to twenty five cycles around the property before stopping to practice my martial arts. I go through the steps of the kata, then take out the dummy which I bought to practice on, I practice some forms for an hour before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I am done in the bathroom, I go back to my room to make the bed and check that all that I am taking along with me to this journey is safely packed in my suitcase. From my clothes, katana, bank card, and my old picture for motivation all safely packed.

I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast before having to leave for Moon-Light Supernatural Academy. I decide to have a full breakfast of sausages pancakes, eggs cooked over easy, and apple juice today because I want to have my energy at its highest level for this journey.

After I am done eating breakfast, I head back to my room to fetch my suitcase and look around one last time. While looking around, my eyes fall on a picture of my parents and I playing on the beach. The picture was taken on one of the last outing we went to as a family because a week after, they were gone and it brings back good memories.

I make a call to my attorney, Mr. DeBurg to hire the cleaning crew that looked after the property before my arrival one and a half year ago. I tell him that I am going on a vacation around the world and do not know when I will be back.

After the arrangements have been made with my attorney, I head out the door with my suitcase. The closing and locking of the door signals the beginning of a new phase in my life and also one full of danger and uncertainty. I open the garage and place my luggage in the backseat of my Mazda 6, then enter the driver’s side and drive out of the garage so I can manually close it.

I look one last time at the house that has been my sanctuary from the world for the past year and a half. I get in the driver’s side and drive towards the beginning of my new life as alpha panther.
It took one hour to reach a small human town that is located half way to the forest that I dropped Jessica at. I head to storage garage which I have rented to stay my car for duration of five years. I pack the car in the garage and take my suitcase from the backseat and then lock the car. I walkout with my suitcase, lock the garage and go into the storage owner’s office to sign some papers.

It took ten minutes of running in my supernatural speed to reach the edge of the forest where I dropped off Jessica. I pass through the yellowish-red fog which felt like entering another dimension and there is this dense pressure that falls on you when you enter. If I wasn’t an alpha, I might have fallen to my knees because of the kind of force one has to pass to enter.

I walk through the forest for a few minutes before entering a town with a sign written, ‘Welcome to Moon-Light’ and the town seem to be more busy then New York City. Some people here can be seen flying on brooms, while others flying with wings. This town seems to be reach since I can see that most cars are expensive.

I walked around the town just familiarizing myself with it before going to the academy. There are stores for wands, brooms, portion ingredients, books, clothes and groceries along with restaurants. There are also blacksmith shops and motels.

When I was done exploring this supernatural town, I asked a random person to point me to the right direction of Supernatural Academy, and she looked kind of disgusted to be bothered by me and she just continued with her journey. I tried others but they seem to also do the same as the first woman.

I became frustrated and Gold suggested that I take a deep breath and try to find a general direction with where various supernatural scents are together. I did as instructed and my eyes landed on a small dirt road leading through the forest that I came from and my instincts are telling me to walk on that road and it will take me to the school.
I was walking for about twenty minutes along the small dirt road passing through the forest, and at some point I saw a brownish-red wolf watching and growling at me but I ignored it, acting as if it is not there.

Ten minutes after my encounter with the growling wolf, I walk up to a castle like building. The only way to describe it is MAGESTIC and GIGENTIC in stricture.

I walked into the building and immediately those in the hallway set their eyes on me, assessing and some of them lifting their nose in the air smelling my scent trying to find what I am but I guess they couldn’t because I heard words like ‘disgusting human’, ‘weak human’ and ‘pathetic human’ being whispered around me as I walked through them.

I walked up to a person whom I assumed is a teacher or trainer and in his eyes I could see disgust and hate but I ignored it. I asked to be shown to the headmaster’s office and he motioned for me to follow him as he turned around.

We walked through the hall, up long stairs and passed many doors until we reached a huge golden door with the word; administration written on it. He entered and motioned for me to wait while he speaks with the headmaster.

I waited for five minutes before the old guy I followed came out with a classy looking lady, Purple gown, black hair pulled back and with a frown on her face.

“Hello, I am headmistress Trinity and what may I help you with young man?” says the headmistress looking none too happy to be bothered with me.

“Nice to meet you headmistress Trinity, my name is John Leroy Malloy and I came to enrol to this school because I recently found out that supernatural exists and that I am also one of them”

“So Mr Malloy, what supernatural are you? I need to know so I can place you in the appropriate class” says headmistress Trinity still with a frown on her face

“I am a were-panther”

“Can you prove it to me by shifting since you smell human rather than a were-panther” says headmistress Trinity

“I smell human because I have been around them since I was born and absolutely I will prove it” I say as I walk to boys bathroom so I can take my clothes of before shifting because I don’t want them to find out that I am a very different were-panther because my clothes do not shred when shifting.

In the bathroom I decided to change the appearance of my panther’s fur and eye colour. My panther’s fur changed from gold to brown and its eyes changed from gold to bright green. I also changed its height from being bigger then alpha wolf to being slightly smaller than a normal wolf.

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