Chapter 19

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‘HIGHER DAD, PUSH ME HIGHER’ and he just laughs his happy laugh that is contagious if you hear, ‘If I push you any higher, you’ll fall and hurt yourself then I’ll have to explain your bruises to your mom and we you know that won’t be easy’

‘Mom, look at me go higher, I am like a birdie I shout while laughing.
Mom just looks at dad and me then shacks her heard with a visible smile on her face and returns to reading her book

SUDDENLY there is this huge earthquake, ‘Mom……………..Dad’ I scream as everything begins to fade but the quake seems to be coming stronger.

I wake Tuesday morning to Jeff shaking me and I swat his hand away as I come awake. I make my bed before going to the bathroom to take care of my morning business: use the toilet, shower, brash my teeth, and shave.

After showering, I wear my uniform before Jeff and I head to get some breakfast. On our way to the elevator, Jess joins us looking cute in uniform.

“John, dude we have to hurry because we have to cooking breakfast” says Jeff as he leads me to the side entrance of the kitchen.

I say nothing but follow them as they make their way to the kitchen. I have decided to make this week an observation week, just look at how they will treat my species up close.

In the kitchen, Jess, me, and Jeff put on aprons and join the others as they begin the process of cooking. The kitchen is busting with activity as we cook bacon, sausages, eggs, steaks, fried chips, pancakes, toast.

When we are done with cooking breakfast for about three thousand people, others begin to serve the breakfast to the teachers, trainers and adults then follows with students. The breakfast is served with tea, coffee, orange juice, and grape juice. The vampires are given animal blood with their breakfast.

We have to wait until all the other supernaturals are done eating breakfast before we have to eat. We are not allowed to eat the kind of breakfast that we made for other supernaturals but we have to eat some afoul tasting and smelling porridge. I almost question this observation week but I force myself to follow through with the plan.

When they are done, we eat ours then begin the process of washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen along with the dining hall. We divide ourselves in to two groups; one washes dishes while the other cleans both the dining room and kitchen. When our group is done with washing dishes, we rush of to our classes before the bell rings.

When we Room 105 where are to learn about the history of Supernaturals, Jess, Jeff, and I sit in the middle seats and wait for everyone to arrive and then begin the lesson of today. When everyone has arrived, the teacher comes in looking not pleased to be here, he introduces himself as Mr Clover and says he will repeat the rules for the sake of those who couldn’t make it to the first day of school.

Basically his rules are the usually classroom rule and nothing new. I simply day dream of my parents since I already read the information that he is teaching from those books I found. I don’t really pay attention as he continues his lessons of the moon and its significance to the supernatural. I am just sitting for this whole day could end because I am super bored.

Right now it is lunch time; my friends and I are sitting on our designated table. We wait as the lunch time group start serving lunch. We were served that disgusting porridge that we ate for breakfast. We ate in silence as usual and watch the other supernaturals converse happily as if some of us are not in misery. It seems the rogues have almost taken control of Europe and have started attacking some packs within the USA and every were-wolf tenses in the mention of rogues.

The class that followed after lunch came and went without any significance and it became time for the last class of the day. The class known as organised hunting which will be at the Northern forest, this class disappointed me because I thought that we will be hunting for small game but the were-panther’s role in this hunting class is to be the hunted. We have to run either in our panther form or human form so that the were-wolves can hunt us in their wolf forms.

When the day came to an end, my body was sore from being bitten and lunged at. I didn’t even feel up to having diner, I wanted a warm bath to sooth my aching muscles and a long sleep.


The following day even though followed a different schedule went pretty much the same as yesterday with the exception of the training exercise class. This class was also a disappointing one since the were-panthers were not on it to receive training but to be training dummies. It was gruesome to watch my fellow species being beating to a pulp, thrown from side to side and in the cases of the magicals, being targeted by a bolt of lightning, fire, water or rocks.

The day ended the same for me as it did yesterday but I forced myself to go and have dinner instead of sleeping after taking a well-deserved bath to sooth my aching muscles. I do not know how much more I can take before my resolve crumbles and I am forced to show my true strength before the plan is executed properly.

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