Chapter 10

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I guess I am just siting for an hour, just looking at the envelope addressed to me. 'you can do this' I tell myself while taking my father's letter and opening the envelope to read its contents.

My Son

If you are reading this letter, it means my journey in this earth has come to an end. I did not have the opportunity to explain certain things to you and I really hope you have lived a pleasant life to this point, to me it feels as if I have failed you in life.

My son you might have noticed that on your sixteenth birthday you found your ‘mate’ for lack of better word to call this thing. I did some research on our family line and found that we are not completely human; we have some supernatural blood in us. I could not find which supernatural since before those discoveries, I did not really believe in them.

This supernatural blood allows us to find our soul mate, our better halves. When you meet them, you feel an instant connection to them; it is like you have known them for years.

I never really cared that much about our family history and where we came from but if you are interested, you can search all you can about the Bronx surname since it is our surname and whoever has it, is our relative.

There is a diary written by my grand father hidden in my room at a hidden shelf within the closet that will shed some light on some things that for lack of knowledge, I cannot explain to you.

I love and miss you my son

Your dad

I put the letter back in its envelope, and don’t dwell on most of the letter since it focuses on soul mates since it is currently a sore subject but I draw closure in that he said he loves me. I look at the time and see that it is getting late in the night so I get up to lock the doors and close some window curtains that I had opened. After getting all that done, I went to sleep.

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