Chapter 11

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(One year, six months later)

It is a Tuesday morning and I am out on my daily run around my property and thinking of all the changes that have occurred in my life in one and a half year. I first decided to graduate early so I can have time to focus on changing my life.

I started with exercising most of the day; I trained my body building stamina, muscles and strength. I ran both around my property and on the treadmill to build my stamina, I used the barbells and dumbbells building my muscles, and lastly I increased my strength by using the punching bag.

Six months after I started my exercise regime, I had lost most of my weight, I was starting to build muscle on my body and I started circling around the property ten times and I have been eating healthy for months and have been given a clean bill of health by the town’s doctor.

I started taking karate lessons at a dojo down town, I found it easy to learn all the moves and five months into my training, I had achieved all the belts, I now have a black belt in karate. I decided not to continue with karate but start lessons on martial arts; I am now skilled in both Tae Kwon Do and Ju-Jitsu.

I have also studied the Japanese sword (Kendo) along with studying archery. I am also an experience target shooter, so I can use guns but I prefer holding my katana [Picture provided] to holding a gun. I am now a deadly person but I have learned to fight only when provoked.

I was on my tenth cycle going to the eleventh run around my property when suddenly a noise that sound like growling and whimpering coming from my forest and suddenly something in me sprinted towards that noise.

Half way to the forest, an extreme pain attacked my back making me fall to my knees on the ground. Sweat pouring from me like rain pours from the sky. Every bone in my body started cracking, breaking, and reforming in a different shape, I start aching my back and scream a silent scream when I felt needle pains start from my back spreading all over the body.

I blacked out for a few seconds and when I came too, I saw that I was not stand on feet but on paws and upon closer inspection, the colour of the fur is gold. I stop admiring myself and focus on this feeling to continue running towards the forest.

I attempted getting on my paws but fell flat on the floor; it took me three tries to stand and took me twice as much to run on my paws. When I felt my paws running full speed to the source of the intrusion on my property, I felt exhilarated as the wind tickles my fur.

I broke through the forest barrier in less than five minutes and what I saw angered me. Five huge wolves were surrounding a small brownish panther with dripping blood, preparing to pounce on the poor panther. I felt protective over the poor little panther.

Some force overtakes me launching me forward at an alarming speed, slamming to the five unsuspecting huge wolves making them lose their balance. Acting with the same speed, I attack two wolves biting one’s necks while delivering a powerful swipe with my left paw to another’s stomach thus killing both of them.

The other three have turned their focus on me, I can smell fear on them but they musk it with bravery. They pounce on me at the same time but I dodge their strikes and slam into one, sending it flying through one tree and slamming into another and a loud CRACK is heard as it dies from the impact.

The two left start attacking me with unfocused swipes seeking to avenge their fallen comrades. I dodge their attempts and bit another’s hind, the other slams into me thus sending me down along with it. We wrestle for a while until I get a hold on its neck, biting a huge chunk of and killing it.

The injured wolf decides surrendering is the only way to stay alive, so its lowers its head while putting its tail between its legs showing that it is submitting to me. Something tells me not to trust it, so I simply strike of its head and killing it on the spot.

After killing the last of the huge wolves, I feel like screaming to the world that this is my forest and trespassers are not welcome. I scream at the top of my voice but all that comes out is a loud vicious roar scaring off the birds of the forest.

I turn at a sound of whimpering and face the small bloody panther as it cowers from my roar. I look at it, thinking the best way to tell it that I am not going to harm it. Then once again I hear that voice that has haunted my life for the past year, the voice in that weird dream of a golden panther.

“Shift back to human so it can see you won’t harm it” says the voice in my mind.

“I do not know how to do it”

“Just picture yourself in human form and you will shift back and please picture yourself with clothes so you will not be naked” says the voice

I imagine myself as human wearing my white t-shirt, black jean, black boots and a leather jacket. And again the propping sound can be heard as my bones break and reform. This time the pain is less painful then when I shifted.

“Hey what name must I call you? I am tired to call you the voice” I ask the voice in my head once I have shifted.

“My name is gold, so call me gold and yes I am your panther half. Attend to the small panther, we will have time later for question and answer” says Gold

I walk to the direction of the brownish panther and crouch in front of it, telling it that I am here to help it and asking whether it can shift back to human and it nods its head and shifts. Where a small bloody panther was once is now a very naked girl.

I take of my jacket and cover up her bloody body, picking her up and sprinting to my house to look at her wounds. When I reach my house, I place her on the kitchen counter and go fetch the first aid kit to nurse her wounds, she has scratches all over the body but they are not serious. She also has a huge gash on her stomach which I think is serious.

Since it is still bleeding, I sprinkle a large amount of salt so as to encourage blood clotting. I wipe all her scratches of try blood with a napkin and then wipe using a disinfectant so they don’t get an infection.

When I finish tending to the scratches, I take a clean napkin and wipe the salt and blood gently from the huge gash. Once all the dry blood and sault have been removed, I wipe the gash using the disinfectant then stitch it together and bandage it.

By the time I have finished, my guest has surrendered to unconsciousness, I pick her gently not to wake her and take her upstairs into to lay her in the guest room near my home office.

After laying her on the bed, I return to the kitchen to clean the blood off the counter and from the floor, from the kitchen floor to the front steps. Then return the first aid kit back to my bathroom.

“You know that those were were-wolves you fought and they tend to return to their human bodies when dead so It won’t be wise to have dead human bodies on our property” says Gold

“Yea, I know and I do not feel like burring them. So I will drag them out of the forest and burn them”

“What about their blood? You know someone is bound to look for them” says Gold

“That won’t really be a problem. Whoever looks for them will think other wolves or hunters killed them.”

With that, Gold goes back to wherever he stays when not talking to me, and Am of to the forest to burn bodies.

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