Chapter 08

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In the morning, I awoke to knocking on the door, opening the door to find Mr DeBurg standing on the other side.

“Morning” I mumbled out

“John, are you going to sleep all day. Wake up, I have to leave since I have a meeting this evening” says Mr DeBurg while still standing

“I am going to the bathroom; I will see you at the pub” I say while entering the bathroom

I hurriedly took a shower then wore my clothes and made sure that all my things are still where I left them before rushing from the INN to the pub down the road. I find Mr DeBurg drinking coffee along with some toast; I take a seat beside him and order what he is having.

After we are done with our breakfast, we head to the INN’s parking lot and from there we make our one and a half hour back to Los Angeles. When we reach the airport, we find the representative of the car rental services we used. We give him the car keys after getting off the car.

We head to the counter to buy our respective tickets; Mr DeBurg is heading back to Washington while I am heading back to Miami so I can wrap up things on that end.

"This is where I leave you John, have a safe trip back to Miami. Here is my cellphone number if you ever in need anything, don't hesitate to call me. Please keep in touch" says Mr. DeBurg

“Thank you very much for all you have done for me and do not worry,  I will keep in touch. I need you to give me a good program where I could learn how to make good investment and how to trade stocks”

“Well, contact me and we will see from there. Bye” says Mr. DeBurg as he goes to the boarding line while I have to wait ten more minutes.

(Time Skip)

The flight took four hours, twenty-six minutes and when I reached Miami, I took a taxi to Miami Lakes. The taxi dropped me off at the Lakes for Hope shelter.

Upon entering, I went straight to my room to unwind from the long journey. After relaxing for one hour, I went to find some snack and I have decided to make it healthy.

After eating my snack, I went to find the foundations director so as to let him know I have returned but won’t be staying long due to some unforeseen circumstances that have come up.

We spoke for some time, I even told him that tomorrow I will go to school tomorrow and transfer out since I will be moving to another state within a few days.

After my conversation with the director, decided to go to town and look for a phone to buy. And after venturing from store to store, I finally found my new phone; the IPhone 5 hero [Picture provided] and it did not cost me much considering my bank account.

After acquiring a new phone, I decided not to get anything new other than my phone. I do not want to alert those barbarians at school of my new status, I just want them to do what they do best and be ignorant.

I went back to the shelter to eat dinner and get some sleep.

(Time Skip)

The first thing I did when I got to school was to go to the admin office to request to be transferred and the headmaster said I will get a transfer letter anytime during the day but in the meantime to go to my classes as usual

I went to my homeroom and entered going to my usual desk at the back since it seems to be unoccupied, and looking around, I see many empty seats which is kind of unusual to have fifteen people absent at once.

The bell rings and then I am off to English, after taking my usual seat at the back of the class, the teacher comes in and begins his lesson on essay writing, I just zone out thinking of all these big changes in my life and then,- (interrupted) the bell for next period rings.

I rush out avoiding other students who may want to takeout their anger on me, I take my seat at the front row and Mrs Allyson our maths teacher gets in and greets the class. Just as she is about to start her lesson, she sees me.

“Well Mr Malloy nice of you to join us in class today. Why have you be absent on my class?” asks Mrs Allyson

“Some personal issues prevented me from attending class and also today is my last day since I am transferring”

“What is with you guys and transferring? First those new kids transfer out and now you too” says Mrs Allyson

I keep quiet and Mrs Allyson takes that as her queue to start today’s lesson. I am not really paying attention since I already know and understand what is being taught. My heart is kind of heart that I will not see the gorgeous body of Brittney before I leave this town.

The rest of the day goes the same as it always does. Just before the bell that signals the end of the school day rings, the headmaster enters the class carrying the transfer letter within a brown envelop. He gives it to me and wishes the best for my future before exiting the class and then it rings.

I go to my locker and empty it out, students are looking at me and whispering but I do not mind them one bit. Once I am done, I take my walk out of the building to begin a new page on life.

(Time Skip)

I decided to throw away my all of my clothes and the only thing left is what I am wearing. I will buy new clothes in California since I can now afford too. I take my father’s letter and place it in my breast pocket.

Once done, I say my goodbyes to my roommate; the cook and the director and they wish me all the best for my future. I hurl a taxi once I am outside the shelter and off to the airport I go.

Pure-Blood (the Land Unknown)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora