Chapter 07

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“WHAT’S HAPPENING?” I scream as I wake up with a start and look around the room looking for my panther friend and when not finding him, I put this whole thing as a weird dream.

I rose from the bed and went to the bathroom to begin my day, I look myself in the mirror and I am disgusted with what I see. I decide to start a healthy diet and an exercise regime. I do not want to just lose weight but to have a fit body. I think once I am done with losing weight, I will have to get some martial art lessons.

I make all these decisions while I am showering and when I am done, I brash my teeth using a toothbrush that came with the room and also use a razor that came with the room to shave. Since I did not pack a bag when I took this trip, I will have to wear yesterday’s clothes.

I decide not to order breakfast but to go and have it at the hotel’s restaurant. I order two eggs (fried), sliced bacon, three pancakes with syrup, along with grape juice.

When my breakfast arrived, I dug in enjoying first the aroma of it then devouring every piece of it. The minute I finished, Mr DeBurg arrived shortly the waiter took the hotel card I was given yesterday so as the bill be added to my tab.

“John, I hope your stay here was good” says Mr DeBurg as he takes a seat across me.

“Yes my stay was good”

“I have booked us a flight to Los Angeles and from there, I have also acquired a rental car to drive from the airport to a town called Action where your family house is located, I already have the keys to the house” says Mr DeBurg

“What time is our flight?”

“In an hour actually, go to your room and pack fast so we do not mix our flight, flight will take us four hours, thirty minutes and from LA to Action will take two hours car ride at most” answers Mr DeBurg

“Everything I have is in my pockets, so I am ready to go”

He tells me to wait while he goes to settle the hotel bill. I wait for about ten minutes before he appears at the entrance motioning me to follow him out. I get up and head out the hotel to enter a cab.

This time I slept during the flight and when I woke up we were being told to fasten our seat belts. Once of the place we went through the weapon detector then went to collect Mr DeBurg’s luggage and we went out the airport to find a reddish BMW X5 [Picture provided]  waiting for us.

The drive from Los Angeles to Action took one and a half hours. The drive was comfortable and during it, I found out Mr DeBurg has a grandson who is my age and his son only son died by hurricane Catherine.

When we arrived, I saw a smallish town and we stopped at the town INN so we can get rooms for the night since it is obvious we will be staying the night. The rooms we get are modest and are in good condition since Mr. DeBurg asked for the best money can buy.

We re-enter the car and take a drive to my family house, we pass a forest and the house is in a secluded area surrounded by trees. Mr DeBurg tells me that I am now the owner of ten acres of land.

When the car stops, I look through the window and see a fairly modest home, after getting out the car; I take a walk around the yard. There is a beautiful flower garden and I can see my favorite flower, lilies planted in it. The yard is grass carpeted.

The house looks old; it seems to have been around for centuries and has stood the test of time. It is a two story house with a separate garage and a Jacuzzi and with a swimming pool.

Returning to the front, I see Mr DeBurg has opened the front door, getting in I see him sitting on the couch, "John I see you have finished your exploration, let me show you around the house. I am sure you do not remember your way around anymore since it has been too long”

The house has two bathrooms, three bedrooms, two upstairs and one downstairs, an attic, family room, dining room, kitchen and basement. The house still has my parents’ pictures and other possessions. The furnisher is still intact so no new furnisher is needed. Everything covered by white sheets.

We lock up and head back to the town INN to have dinner and a night’s sleep. On the way Mr. DeBurg gives me the keys to the house and tells me that he had hired a gardening crew to make sure the property is in good condition throughout the years.

When we arrived at the town INN, we parked our car in the parking lot and went to the pub to find a meal to eat. I decided on a steak along mashed potatoes with orange juice on the side while Mr. DeBurg had chicken dumplings with wine on the side.

After dinner we went to our respective rooms to unwind for the day and get some sleep. In my room, I decide to take a shower first before heading to bed. The shower is soothing my tired body and after my shower, I wash my underwear since I did not wash it yesterday and I cannot continue to wear dirty underwear.

When I am done in the bathroom, I head to my room to watch some TV since I am not sleepy yet since I slept during the flight. I found a show I watched yesterday; The Originals and I decided to watch it again. After it, I found that I am still not sleepy, so I check what interesting programs are airing and I found the movie; Sorcerer’s Apprentice which is an interesting magic movie.

After the movie ended, I switched of the lights and the TV off and sleep takes me.

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