Chapter 16

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I wake up on Saturday morning at seven o'clock meaning I have been asleep since Friday morning. I go and do some of my daily exercise but skipping the run instead using the treadmill. I exercise for two hours before heading back to my room to take a quick shower then go and shave before brushing my teeth.

Looking myself in the bathroom mirror, I cannot help but notice my image. I am not the fat guy I was two years ago and I no longer need glasses because somehow my supernatural genes corrected that problem for me, and I have a six pack on my abs

Before going to my room, I make sure the bathroom is spotless clean. In my room I decide to wear some casual clothes. After wearing my clothes and combing my golden blond hair.

I get out going to my office to check on my stock profile and to do some trading. Checking my account, I see that I am now two hundred million dollars away from making myself twenty billion dollars richer. When I started trading stocks, I decided to buy up to nine percent of a company's stock so as not to direct any attention to me and that I don't need to be made a board member for any company.

After signing off my account for the day, I head to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I make pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice and then eat it on the counter.

"Hey Gold, I am thinking of joining Jessica's school on Monday since I know almost everything I need to know of my family's heritage"

"I am with you all the way and I forgot to tell you that we can change our fur colour into any colour we like and also since we are an alpha, we need to make a pride and accept were-panthers into it" says Gold.

"I guess we can do that at school because logically it is where we should find most were-panthers. How do you accept them into the pride?"

"You place your hand on their heads while saying 'I alpha John Leroy Malloy accept you so and so into my pride' then move your hands to their heart and ask them that do they promise to be loyal to the pride and to treat the pride as a family" answers Gold.

"Ok that sounds easy; I thought it will involve blood like in other supernaturals"

"Nope and that's why we rock" says Gold with pride

After I am done with breakfast and after am also done washing dishes, I go to the family room to watch some TV since I have nothing to do because I still have tomorrow to pack my begs for Jessica's school.

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