Life's Little Moments

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Zed sighed in relief as he walked into the house and sat his bag by the door. Coach had drilled them nonstop so the feeling of being home was a welcome one.

"Addison?" Zed called out, looking around the house.

The lights were out and everything was quiet. Zed's brow furrowed in confusion as he made his way up the stairs next. I wasn't like Addison to not greet him when he came home.

"Addison?" Zed called out again, walking down the hallway and opening their bedroom door.

He sighed in relief when he saw Addison sitting up in the bed while rubbing the sleep front her eyes.

"Hey Addy." Zed greeted, sitting on the bed beside her. "Sorry of I woke you. I wasn't expecting you to be asleep."

"It's okay." Addison reassured him. "I need to get up anyway. So how was practice?"

"Long." Zed groaned, falling back on the bed. "Coach killed us today. My legs feel like jello from running so many drills. How was yours?"

Addison sighed. "It went well overall. Though I did fall during our first run through. It was so embarassing."

"You fell!?" Zed asked in concern as he quickly sat up. "Are you okay?"

Addison slipped her hand in his. "I'm fine Zed. My back hurts a little from landing wrong when my teammates caught me, but other than that I'm fine."

Zed relaxed at her words. "That's good. But how did you fall?"

Addison pointed to her ear. "It looks like I have an ear infection. I always get dizzy when I have them."

"Can I see?" Zed asked.

Addison nodded and tilted her head to the side so he could look. Zed turned on the flashlight on his phone and shined it into her ear. He could see it was a bit red.

"It's definitely inflamed. Maybe you should see a doctor?" Zed suggested.

Addison shook her head. "No need. I already bought some ear drops. It should clear up in a week or so. I know how to handle it."

"Alright," Zed nodded. "But if it gets worse promise me you'll make an appointment."

"I promise." Addison smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Good." Zed replied then he groaned as his phone buzzed in his pocket. "What now?"

"Who is it?" Addison asked, peering over Zed's shoulder as he opened the message.

Zed's eyes scanned over the screen. "It's Bonzo. He and Bree are inviting us over for dinner at 6. What should I say?"

"Tell them we'll be there." Addison replied.

Zed pouted. "But movie night...."

"Can wait until tomorrow." Addison chuckled. "We haven't spent time with Bree and Bonzo in a while."

"You're right." Zed nodded in agreement as he sent the reply. "It'll be good to catch up."

Addison got up and grabbed an outfit from her closet then tossed some clothes at Zed. "Well come on then, we better shower and get ready."


The car ride to Bree and Bonzo's was a short one. The two lived just outside Zombie Town in a small one story, two-bedroom home. The location was perfect because it was close to Bonzo's grandmother and Bree's parents.

When they pulled into the yard Bonzo was waiting on the front steps to greet them. "Zedka, Addiska, Gratzar! (Zed, Addison, Welcome!)"

"Hey Bonzo!" Zed greeted, getting out of the car. "It's so good to see you man."

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