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(1 hour before the ultimatum)



I told Bobby as he transferred the incendiary device from my car to his black Mazda CX-3.

After Bobby have loaded the explosives, he gets inside the car and turned the engine on.
I leaned on the car door and signalled him to roll the window down.

"Remember... Take the long beach freeway and meet Lisa there, before you reach Anaheim. Okay?"

Of course, Lisa told us the Plan B, in case something peculiar will happen, or something that wasn't in our plans. In short, unexpected event that includes life and death situation.

"Yeah. Did you forget that I also used to work there?" He raised his brows.

"I was just reminding you, for fuck's sake!"

"Yeah... Sure... See yah later, Kang Seulgi!!!" He cockily laughed and sped off from the carwash.

As I went back inside, I saw Jihyo sprinting towards me. She was holding a bulletproof vest, then handed it to me.

"Thanks!" I said as I put it on my body, then I wore my brown leather jacket. "Uhm... Take this pistol. I just brought silencer guns. We dont need to get too much attention." I winked at her.

"Wow. You're still calm, huh? I like that. Hahaha!" She took the gun from my hand and put it in her holster.

"Nah. I think I like being a pacifist for now." I smirked.


"Jeongyeon? Any news from Bam?" I worriedly asked her as she was focused on her laptop, like she was typing something.

"No... But I'm hacking the CCTV around the house where Bam and his girlfriend went to..." She continued typing.

"How long will it take to hack it?" I asked.

"Just... About... Now!" She hit the enter button. "Will you check it out for me? I need to call Lis again." She said.

I nodded in agreement as I sat in front of her laptop.


"Yes?" She walked closer.

"Can you please contact Dahyun and Hanbin if they already sent the cars to Anaheim?" I instructed her while my eyes were fixed on the monitor.

"Sure!" She walked away.

"Hello??? Bobby???
What happened???"

I swiftly turned to Jeongyeon and tried to listen to their conversation with Lisa.

She put it on loudspeaker.

"It's Jeongyeon, Boss..."

"Oh... Jeongyeon?
Where's Bobby?
What's happening???"

I lost my focus from their phone conversation, when I saw in the video that BamBam was being held by two men, and they pushed him inside the car.

My eyes widened as I looked at the car's sticker,

"FBI..." I mumbled in fear.

My Lover Is A Thief (Jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now