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(A/N: This chapter contains mature content and it doesn't mean to offend the readers if you find it uncomfortable.
Characters here could show different emotions, and sometimes different behaviors that could be disturbing to read.
Skip if you're uncomfortable.)




As soon as I heard the door slammed,
I slowly sat on the carpet and covered my face with a pillow.

I held my tears so hard earlier...

But now, I couldn't stop it...

Seeing Lisa again made me remember those painful memories...

They're still fresh on my mind...

They still linger in my heart...

She still affects me...

3 years ago

"Please... s-s-speak to me, love...
D-don't do this...
P-Please... Just... don't leave me."
Lisa cried as she was almost choking from her words.

We've been crying like for an hour in our bedroom.
She was holding my arm trying to stop me from packing my things into my luggage.

Then I faced her and pulled my arm from her grip.

"Lisa... Some things aren't meant to be... I need to do this for myself."
I scoffed and turned my back against her, trying my best not to show any regrets.

"What about our dreams together? The house we're planning to build in Miami??? W-we're also planning to adopt kids... Remember??? Roseanne? I love you... I'm begging you. I can't live without you." She pleaded.

I massaged both of my temples, trying not to spit the words from my mouth...

But I couldn't hold it any longer. She needed to hear these from me.

Then I faced her again.

"I-I'm tired of doing this dirty job with you! These illegal acts. I'm not growing, Lalisa. I am SICK of being a criminal!"
I told her truthfully. Words just came out eventually...

Then I paused for a while, and covered my mouth.

'I'm sorry, Love...'

Lisa stopped sobbing, but could still hear her breathing. Then she slowly sat on the edge of the bed.
I looked at her... I could see how hard for her to absorb my words.

I stopped from packing for a while and I bent my knees in front of her, as I held her hands very tight.

"I-I'm sorry for what I've said earlier, Lisa. I just thought... Things aren't working between us anymore..." I told her sincerely, but she's just staring blankly ahead.
"But always remember that I have loved you with all my heart. Four years, Lisa. I have loved you for four years. I would never ever forget you..." I muttered.

My Lover Is A Thief (Jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now