Epilogue - Rated 13+

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Warning- Some kinda intense smut you might want to skip this if you do not like 

"Hi sweetheart." Kota kissed Izuku on the cheek, making Izuku blush and put down the clipboard and pen.

"Hello Kota," Izuku smiled shyily as he felt an arm snake around him. "I didn't expect to see you in the nurse's office today. How was your day?"

"Same boring classes, everyone is tense about exams, but if I study enough I'll be sure to ace it. I worked out, so I decided to run to you for my post work out cooldown."

Kota snuggled closer to Izuku who was in his white coat, leggings and a medical shirt. Izuku blushed even more, "So that's why you're so sweaty. I'm sure you'll do great on the exam, you're such w diligent student; K-kota this is a nurse's office! Calm down." Izuku swatted at Kota's grabby hands.

"Aw Izuku you're so cute. It'll be good if they catch you though, just so everyone knows you're mine." Kota kissed Izuku's cheek once more, thanking All Might once more not only for his blessing but for being able to hold Izuku like this. Izuku rolled his eyes with a smile blooming even wider on his face. He turned his head so he could return the kiss, both starting to lean each other. Starting the kiss off sweetly, both passively pressing thier lips together, letting each other just enjoy thier presence.

Izuku was the one to start and take control of the kiss, slowly sliding his younger through Kota's lips. Kota gladly accepted letting Izuku explore his mouth. It had been about a year since they started dating and Izuku was still too shy to do anything. So far kissing and mostly exploring is what Kota could do but he knew he had to take it slow. If not for Izuku sake but his own, often he himself knew he couldn't be too swept away as he needed to focus not only on his school work but his career as a hero.

Kota shifted his weight a bit, so he could take some control back, his tongue once controlled by Izuku's now both danced with each other. Kota fondled Izuku's behind once more, making him gasp. Kota, taking advantage of that, took over the kiss fully, roaming his hands from his behind to his back. Izuku latched onto Kota's neck squeezing the two closer together, grinding their lower parts together.

That was when the door swung open, and Izuku threw Kota off of him, making him fall into his swivel chair. Swiping his mouth as quickly as possible, though not much could be done for his swollen lips, still out of breath and trying to calm himself down. "Hello there," Izuku said to the incoming patient. "Oh it's you Kira!" Izuku smiled.

"You guys realize that this is a school right?" Kira aske, throwing her hair over her shoulder. She had gotten taller and edgier since graduation, she quirked an eyebrow at her best friend on the other side of the room. Izuku became as red as a tomato, while Kota straightened himself glaring at Kira.

"I hate you. You couldn't have waited a minute longer."

"No, call this payback for disturbing my time with Yasu. Plus you sure you want me to hear you acting like a porno actor."

"Says the girl who wears leather and carries around whips, something I should ask Yasu about?"

"KOTA!" Izuku interrupted their squabble, he looked as if he was about to combust. The two taking pity on him, sighed. Kira threw Kota's costume at him in his disheveled state and turned around on her heel, "Patrol starts in 30 minutes, I better see you there in 25." Her heels clicked as she left, as the two scrambled to get themselves together.

--------------------------------------------20 minutes later----------------------------------------------

After using the nurse's bathroom for a quick wipedown, and getting Kota in costume, Izuku ended up needing to help with a student with a sprained ankle.

"Okay we'll just ice it for now. You should be fine by the end of this week. I'll give a note to your teacher, it's better for your body to heal itself with this kind of thing but the medicine will hasten the recovery from 3 weeks to one." Izuku said, giving candy pieces to the student and writing on his clipboard.

Stepping away he felt arms wrap around him once more. Kota planted a kiss on Izuku's cheek. "I don't want to leave you, it took me so long to get you in my arms..." Kota pouted, hiding his face in Izuku's shoulder which he snuggled before planting another kiss on his shoulder. Izuku giggles as his cheeks tingles a light pink.

"H-hey Kota?" Izuku stuttered a bit nervously.

"Yeah?" Kota answered in a small gentle voice, pulling the greenette closer to him.

"Do you... want to go on a date with me this weekend? I checked and you don't have any classes or patrols and I'm free that day unless there is a case they need 'Deku' for... I-if you want too? I booked us a restaurant but, was can also just stay home? I can cook some of our favorites, or we could do something else..." Izuku began rambling, while Kota was in full shock. He did not expect the sudden date, sure they've gone on dates but it was much more offhand.

Kota lifted his head and blinked owlishly at Izuku, his brain computing the information, Izuku continuing to ramble. In his joy he brought Izuku closer to him, "Yes! A date sounds great." Kota replies. Izuku although he did give gifts, and show affection, he has only set up one date all on his own for them so far in the past year. "Sweetheart, what brought this on?"

"W-well, we've been boyfriends for almost a year now... I wanted to do something special. So I thought dinner and I also wanted to h-hae some fun and since we are free those days..." Izuku mumbled, his hand unconsciously holding onto Kota's arms. Planning dates wasn't a problem, especially since Bakugo had ghosted him so many times, Kota made it a joint effort to plan dates.

"Ok then, how about you tell me when we should be ready by huh?" Kota kissed Izuku again, tickling the smaller boy with his hood. "Darling, what did I do to deserve you?"

The moment ended when they heard a cough from the student, who saw the whole scene. Izuku blew up with embarrassment, pushing Kota off of him and almost throwing him out the door, giving him a light peck on the cheek before scurrying off into his work space once more.

Kota swaggered out of the school with a dopey smile on his face, this weekend would be their one year anniversary. The past year, he had turned 19 and Izuku would soon turn 26. The year in which they kissed and made out a bit for the first time under the mistletoe. Izuku slowly accepted the physical affection from Kota, even wearing instead of a maid outfit a butler outfit for his birthday, as he served Kota for the day. The dates they've had to amusement parks, parks, cafes, and even study/work dates, a triple date with his friends and even slow days they could cuddle on the couch and watch TV.

So Kota may have to push a little harder in this slow paced relationship, but he hopes Izuku and him go even a little further during and after their date this weekend. Kota's smile grows even bigger knowing Izuku telling him 'I love yous' and sweet appraisals that only he would hear. The days they make it to a new milestone in their relationship, and almost reaching new milestones in their relationship, one that Kota plans to keep pushing towards,. Even if the next step took a couple more months to achieve, he wouldn't care if they didn't because in the end, "I want you, Izuku." Kota whispers to himself, looking back at the school building, where the love of his life waves to him. 

So this is the official end of Kotadeku- I want you. It's been over a year since I started this story so thank you for sticking with it and reading. It's insane how popular this turned out to be, never did I expect so many people to like this ship. This book took me so long to write but it was worth every minute, and thank you guys for making me laugh and make this story better through your comments. I may add unofficial sides if I feel like it but do not expect anything since I also want to focus on my other stories and life in general. Happy reads everybody! 

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