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Kota POV

I dressed in jeans and a black tee not forgetting my signature hat. I don't want to dress up to nice since the kids might make a mess. I'm not excited for hanging out with these brats but if I scare them enough I can at least get some work done. All Might is our homeroom teacher which is nice but, I hate how much Izuku talks about him.

"Hey Kota!" I look across the street with a scowl. She had four brats with her playing in the park while she was sitting on the bench playing with her phone. She's one of the prettiest and fiercest girls at the school. I nod to make sure knows I see her.

"I'm so glad you came. I can't figure out the math formula My brother is being annoying~ I can handle two brats but four no way." She explained, patting the empty spot next to her. I sit and lean back, staring at the boys rough house each other. It's quite entertaining as they were only like five.

"So how's it going with Midoriya senpai?" Kira asks in a low voice. I sigh and look up at the sky. "It's still the same shit. He's such a housewife, I asked him to go to work with him. The guy can be so dense, though I guess I'm no help since I haven't really dropped hints. He still sees me as a kid not a man. I don't know what to do. What to say to make him see me in that way." Kira nods. She's the only person who knows about my crush in exchange though she tells me about her dad. Her mom left her house after having her brother. Thus she became like a mother for her brother and a support for her dad. I met her last year and we've become inseparable since we both know what it's like to lose a parent.

"It sounds tough. Just try to do manly things I guess. Treat him like a princess but, be subtle and don't go overboard. The way you describe him, he seems the type to fall for a prince. Or at least someone who will need him. Start wooing him. I have full faith in you." Kira says playfully punching my arm. Wooing him. I guess I could get some roses, as a gesture. Maybe I should ask Eri, she's really good with this kind of stuff.

"I'm going to leave him a love note. I just... need the guts to do it. I don;t know if he'll accept, and even if he does what about my family? My dad is still struggling and it's hard on him. He isn't exactly meant for kids, I need to take care of my boys. I'm not even that girl like either. Frills, being a cute quiet girl is just not me. I'm loud and reckless, he's so quiet can he handle me?" Kira sighs plopping her chin on her palm. "Love is hard"

" Amen" I agree. Well they always say love is work right? Might as well strive for success. I take a quick peek at my phone to see an hour has passed. Wow time really does fly. I pull out my homework and start working on it explaining some of the math homework to her. Taking a glance or two at the boys to make sure they are alive. Soon we almost finished our homework but it was lunchtime so we'd be going to the cafe.

We rally the boys and head off in the direction of the cafe. Kira finds us a free table as we all squeeze in together three of us on each side of the table. Kira's brother Matthew, plays some kind of show about a talking pig on his phone that all his friends diligently watch with smiles. Giggles erupting once in awhile. Kira is immersed with the show too but, me I play on my phone and look around.

"Hey guys, I'll be servicing you today!" I look up and what I saw dumbfounded me... it was a girl with green hair. She had curly hair and a thick ponytail. Her big pearly eyes were the color of jade and bright. She was... cute. Super cute. It reminded me of Midoryia. Does he have a sister? Maybe it;s someone who looks like him? I stare at the waitress out of the corner of my eye as she hands us the menu, as she scurries off to the back. 

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