Heartbreak II

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I smiled when Bakugou opened the door for me. We'd been dating for a month and it was amazing . I had to work a shift at the cafe today and Bakugo has offered to walk me. I couldn't help but smile walking into my mother's cafe. Two times a month the cafe held a performance, after the last incident I wasn't too keen on performing. Instead he would be working in the kitchen and help with the stage issues when Hijiro couldn't. "Come into the back Kacchan I'll make you something to drink." said Izuku who grabbed Bakugo's hand making him follow him into the kitchen. Ken probably already left as it was an hour before the show giving me 30 minutes to prep for dinner. I pulled out everything I needed for the dinner rush and the items to make Bakugo's drink. I threw in bananas, sugar, heavy cream, ice, then some milk and cinnamon. After around 3 minutes of stagnated blending, I poured the milkshake into a cup with some chocolate syrup.

"Kacchan here I made this for you." But when I turned around Kacchan wasn't there. When I came home that day, with cupcakes for Kota and Kacchan. Called Kacchan after work wondering where he went. I came home and hung out with Kota, helping him with homework and training him by playing a game of tag. I waited and waited but, after a week of unanswered calls and useless texts I found out where he lived. When I opened the door of his apartment though, he had already moved out.

After 2 weeks of worrying about his disappearance I saw Kacchan on the T.V. and he had been on a mission. He cried in Kota' arms that day from relief. When Kacchan came home he fell asleep on my sofa so I had to drag him to my room where he slept. He told me about his mission where he had to chase a villain across Japan. I forget the villain exactly, I remember her having a drawing quirk. I didn't mind though, it was a part of the job. As a hero I had to leave for a lot of things as well. Kacchan and I went on another date, that weekend where I took him to a theme park. He loved the thrill of the rides and that we could blend in. I kept asking him about everything: work, hobbies, if he still visits his parents and in return Kacchan asked me about the students he bought me a key chain with a bunny on it. I thought I was happy, I thought he was happy. So why did he leave again that night?

My thoughts left me awake every night he night he left. Thoughts of worry, confusion, depression consumed me. He was gone for another month. That was the month he had a scandal with a model. That weekend I took any assignment possible, I fought more recklessly. When he came back still in his hero costume, he fell into my arms and the process repeated itself. I felt like he was placing a piece of ice in my hands, he always melted so quickly but my hands are still cold, burning from losing the thing that had stolen all of it's heat. I would cry some nights from the stress and I knew Kota was asleep. Work helped me forget about the pain in my heart, and every time Kacchan came home, too me I would think he would stay longer, he would call back.

He never explained the scandal even when I brought it up. He never said sorry. He whispered sugary words and kissed me hard. After his third disappearance Yuu told me he hated Kacchan. On the 4th disappearance did Yuu warn me he was bad news. I always smiled and told him Kacchan was just a busy guy.

There were more scandals, 3 big ones to be exact. Ones that were covered on magazines and the news for days. Kacchan never explained what happened. His fifth vanishing, I no longer cried from him being gone, instead I spoiled and hung out with Kota and worked. Kacchan had decided to text this time, praying finally he'd relieved me of my constant stress. He texted maybe only a few times but a few were better than none and his mission had been a difficult one nonetheless. When he told me he was coming home I was so happy, preparing a cake, a sign to get him at the airport, I even made a goddamned picnic. So why is he leaving me to go to Hong Kong? He's going to China. He's leaving me another month, this time not even seeing me.

Did he not love me anymore? Was he just messing around? Kacchan isn't one to lie to people. Tears stung my swollen eyes, why am I such a crybaby. Thoughts and questions consumed me as I kept having flashbacks to my worries, the dates, the past 6 months. I understand work but talking, he never talks. I feel like I'm swimming against a current.. no matter what even if I use One for All I can't swim any further. I'm stuck and I'm slowly drifting away.

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