Class Distraction

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Bakugo POV

I walk out of the oversized mouse's office. Ugh, how can the principal be so tiny run a school of heroes. I volunteered to help out Deku's class with training today. Not only can I show off my power to Deku. It's time for the kids to come into school, apparently Deku is running a bit late as teachers should come in at least 30 minutes before the students not that I care. I sat in a random desk that was next to the window, looking down on all the aspiring loser heroes.

I got to take off work as a construction manager and I also help out as the idiots couldn't build sh*t. I've had an office job but I couldn't deal with fake people all day showing off their ugly kids, this job the guys were chill and at least not stuck up. Plus I was in charge. Our crew was the number one crew to fix things after heroes like me finished work. Walking down the halls waves of nostalgia rushed through me. Me and Kirishima talking about school and life, Izuku smiling at his friends. Raccoon eyes, Pikachu and Spiderman wanna be, talking and training together. Me bullying Izuku, trying to make him pay attention to me not stupid bubble girl.

When he did date pinkie, I lost it going ballistic so much everyone thought I was a villain. Later Kirishimia and I became a thing as he was the only one that could calm me. We had to part 'ways', when Krishima said I only ever saw him as a best friend and it was obvious  I didn't like him like that. Honestly, I get over it in 2 months as our relationship was still pretty much the same. I remember Izuku and his breakup too, not only was he wrecked at Floatie for breaking up with him but she dated robot arms. Not like I care. Apparently he's living with a brat anyway.

He's not his lover but, he seems to be so dense that Izuku doesn't know he loves him yet, otherwise Izuku would never let him live in his house. No, if the brat had a good enough reason Deku bend his back for him anyway. Walking past the classrooms I stop in front of my former classroom. I look a peek through the small classroom window, Izuku was teaching his class enthusiastically reading and writing what he could on the board. Now it's the classroom of the man I love and he will be mine.

Izuku POV

    "The human body, is really amazing. The immune system killed parasites-" I started starting to write on the board so my students can follow. Two of my students are having trouble with this unit- BANG!

I jump back at the sudden opening of the door. My lesson book falling on my face. Why in the All Might is someone- "Hey brats! I'm Katuski Bakugo otherwise known as Ground Zero! Hey Deku! Didn't anyone said you can teach with a book on you face like that?"

Wait?WHAT! The lesson book fall so I could see his piercing red eyes. Kacchan. Thoughts zoomed in my brain. Why is Kacchan here? Is he going to tell the class I'm a cross-dressing pervert. Is he going to kill me? Will he blow up the classroom before I finish teaching? Do I need to fight to protect my students? The rest of the class also seemed to be surprised but it turned into awe as they jumped in there seats to see the number one hero at the moment. I would've stopped them if I wasn't already petrified.

I'm shaking again but, I can't show my students I'm scared now can I? I wanted to curl up and die. My sore body started to ache intensely again. I was distracted by teaching but Kacchan reminded me of... everything. I felt as tears wanted to surge but, I refuse to cry because I don;t think I could answer why I was crying. I was already starting to freak out and then his red eyes glared directly at me. I knew that look, he was determined on something, and he's going to be loud and proud about it. He's going to tell everyone I'm a pervert or something and I even acted like a girl too. I'm scared.

"It's okay, senpai. Ground Zero isn't one to stress teachers, especially since he respects All Might." A deep voice whispered in my ear, grabbing my still raise hand by the wrist and rubbing my back. I felt shivers go down my spine at his voice as my body started to relax a bit. "Even if he does we always trust you. It's going to be okay, Izuku." He whispered calming words averting my eyes from Kacchan to the desks where all my students would sit. Kira, Yasu and Eri were smiling at me in confusion and concern. Yeah... my students are like my friends to me. Plus Kacchan isn't the type to say something like that in front of a crowd just for no reason.

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