Good Morning

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Midoriya pov

Izuku prepared myself for the day, a quick shower, then change into my work clothes while brushing my hair, getting my suitcase ready for work.

I am 22 years old and feeling great, stopped a villain this week, just a lot of grading, volunteer work and working at mom's cafe. After my mom opened a small cafe since my job supplies her a lot of money and she just wanted a simple life for the both of us. I worked really hard and now I'm the third best hero in Japan. The first was taken by Kacchan and second was by Todoroki. I'm so proud of them! We've grown so much as now Iida and Uraraka are now dating after we decided that we would be best friends forever.

All Might has retired and usually stays with mom especially since he mostly stays in a wheelchair. Not that mom minds as I no longer live with her. I now own my very own apartment which I share with my favorite pupil... Kota.

I took Kota under my wing once his sister married to a really nice editor for a television company. Since he passed the UA exam and is in his 1st year at UA at 16 years old, where I now teach as a substitute teacher and sometimes a nurse.

Kota's quirk blossomed as he grew up, and would often come over to the MIdoryia household which Kota seems to love. He still loves his 'devil's cap' as I call it with his spiky hair not that it should change it. I think it's... quite cute. Today is a Sunday thus Kota can sleep in, I should prepare breakfast for him, though I'm not that hungry so I'll skip. I quickly crack some eggs and mix it with milk and flower not forgetting sugar and berries in the mix to make some extra quick waffles. Kota isn't much of a sweet lover but he does like berries. I much prefer chocolate or just strawberries and cream. I made him a stack of waffles which I wrap in plastic and leaving a sticky note explaining that I won't be back in the next few hours. The hero association had wanted us to go on patrol not that I mind my hero costume was in my suitcase along with some papers, as I walk out in my suit.

Kota POV

My alarm buzzed as I slammed the snooze button. It's too early for this garbage. I get up and walk over to the bathroom I run the sinks water but use my quirk , water manipulation too splash water in soap then my face and hands. I do the same with my toothbrush and rinsing. Izuku says if I rely too much on my quirk, it'll cause problems later on. Not that I took it too seriously. It's Sunday, so I guess I should do some chores.

Izuku is really nice and doesn't force chores on me, but I do some anyway. I come downstairs to the sweet smell of waffles. Izuku must have made them for me. He's such a sweetheart. It's a good thing too since he's going to be my future wife. After he saved me I admired him and slowly it morphed into love as I got to learn more about him. Like how he always carves out time for all his friends no matter how busy he was. That he's always productive and asks for nothing in return for his help. How kind he is to his mother and he wants to adopt a puppy but afraid he wouldn;t give it enough attention or me. He's a really nice guy, so I will marry him.

My phone buzzes with a text from my friend Kira. She sits next to me in class and we hit it off immediately. She had a blade quirk which she can make blades out of any part of her body, her hero name being Blacksmith

'Hey Kota wanna study together at this cafe. I'm babysitting my younger brother and his friends, I could really use some extra hands please?'

I sigh but I text back an okay. I mean I need to get a sh*t ton of Homework done and it's probably only gonna be 5 kids tops. Plus they are scared of me anyway. I wrote Deku a note and placed it on the fridge door. As I walk down to the cafe location. 




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