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Izuku pulled on his new dress shirt Bakugo had chosen for him. It was a shy blue that blended perfectly with his skin and emphasized his freckles. Bakugo had also bought pants that seemed to be more of a second skin on him, as well as white slip on shoes. The mask and baseball cap added to his attractiveness as he looked like a mysterious model. Bakugo on the other hand had worn a red dress shirt with a matching black vest and black dress pants. He wore black dress shoes and even wore a tie. Instead of a baseball cap he wore a fedora which covered most of his fair and some of his face. Izuku couldn't help but give sideways glances at the blonde boy in front of him. He looked like a true model but together they boys were complete eye candy as they attracted some unwanted attention.
Neither couldn't care less though as so far he had taken Izuku shopping and he had paid for the whole thing himself threatening to explode the other's arms off if he tried paying.
The years had melted away and look at them now. Izuku thought. It's even a miracle he wants to be my lover. The next thing Izuku knew he was being taken to an American styled restaurant , it was a small one so no one there would probably recognize them if they played their cards right. Izuku couldn't help but smile with how well he was being treated. Soon enough both had placed their orders and started speaking. Though the conversation was mostly Izuku ranting about a new dish his mother wanted to make with him, the blonde teen listened. Only mixing some sentences in the conversation and making sure his date took a breath once in a while.
Soon enough their orders had arrived. Izuku ordered veggie dumplings with soup while Bakugo ate red spiced chicken with a salad. Both continued to talk while they ate this time Bakugou was the one to lead the conversation about his job.
"Here Kacchan, say ah~" Izuku asked. His cheeks were a light pink but he smiled. He was happy to spend time with Kacchan. Izuku giggles  unsure if the other would do it. He suddenly felt more embarrassed thinking they were two grown men. He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone pull on his chopsticks. Kastuski took a bite, blushing a bit as well but Izuku could see he was happy. Both looked like the perfect couple.
After a good hour of this they both left with full bellies. Kastuki yelled at Izuku because when he wasn't looking the greenette paid behind his back. Izuku smiles during the scolding as he ushers Bakugo out of the building with him, trying not to make a scene.
"So have you decided?" Bakugo grunted, unable to look Izuku in the face as he walked in front of the green haired boy. Izuku went silent, feeling uneasy once more.
'Him liking Kacchan? He's being really nice, and to be fair we know each other pretty well. Maybe.. This will work out?' Izuku thought looking at the back of the larger male. Izuku felt his cheeks flush a bit at the thought of him having a lover. Midoryia quickened his pace, his thoughts repeating as if it was a broken record player. 'Should he? Is this alright?' He didn't even realize he bumped into the other, "So?"
"Yes, I'd love to be your boyfriend Kacchan."
6 months later
Izuku pulled on his apron as Hijiro(aka Vampir) came in to take the next round of drinks. Izuku was starting on the next pie and lattes knowing it was almost rush hour. Ken had to do a big project so I was working again. I cut up some chocolates as I blended the heavy cream with milk and strawberries. He was in a good mood as his boyfriend would be coming home today. He had gone out on a long mission again. Not to mention. He was busy with the cafe. It was summer break and he had to work more at the cafe. This was a busy time and his mom needed him more than ever. He smiled as Yuu-kun came in as he finished up the lattes. He started up on the next order, sweet and salty crepes and parfaits. Luckily he was in the middle of making another parfait so he could just pour some from that one.
Izuku beamed, as he would see his boyfriend again. He couldn't even call him because he was so busy as the blonde texted. Though the messages were very one sided. Izuku threw another pie into the oven as he pulled out the new one for his customers. Kota was hanging out with Kira and Eri today, he had a nice time with his sister yesterday. Izuku had spent quite some time with Kota from training, too going to the park or just having fun as his boyfriend seemed to cancel his plans often.
"It's almost like he doesn't care..." Izuku mumbled as he worked. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed with his partner. He understood their jobs were a lot but Bakugo was much too invested in it to even come home to his boyfriend. 'So when are you gonna see that a$$h()e?" asked Yuu.
Izuku smiled knowing he only cared, "He's not that! He's brash yes, but Kacchan is the sweetest guy out there."
'I met him up at the airport! He's going to be so happy. I planned the whole day and everything, since he's been out a lot with work." Izuku had barely seen his boyfriend after they started dating, as Bakugo was always at work, not that he didn't understand but he wished that he'd at least call. He sighed but refused to stop smiling, he was excited to say the least. He made the deserts and lunches with ease until rush hour was over. He watched tv e minutes tick by in excitement, he had even made his boyfriend a bento so they could have a picnic at a park.
Yuu and Hijiro came in with worried expressions at their excited coworker. "Izuku You know that Yuu and me are always here for you right?" Hijiro started as he leaned on the wall, taking a quick breather. Izuku looked up from his next dish, "Yeah?"
Yuu's ears flopped on his head as he felt bad for the man he thought of as a brother was carrying false hope. Hijiro shared a look with Yuu, also uncertain how to help the green haired man. "Izuku... he's brash but you've been dating for half a year now, I don't think that you should drag on your suffering for longer. He even missed your birthday and he never calls you though you always put in effort to talk to him... it's not right. Even Yuu is speaking bad about him."
Izuku's face fell and both boys felt like they were stabbed in the gut. He had been looking forward for a proper date in ages and he had not since his boyfriend had been busy or too tired to go out with him. Izuku shrugged it off as Ken came in pulling off his gloves, "thanks for all the help Izuku." He starred in his monotone voice. It was deep but compassionate. Izuku smiles and grabs his basket and sign for which he'll need at the airport. "No problem! Don't work too hard you guys and watch out for the girls!" He yelled as he ran out the back door leaving his worried friends behind.
Izuku POV
I felt so excited as I waited for Kacchan to get off the plane. We finally got some time together! He's been very distant after our 2nd date but this one will make him feel relaxed at least it's not easy being a hero he would know... but he also wished he took time for their relationship as he did. Whether it be dates, massages, dinner Kacchan either doesn't notice or is at work. He at least eats the bentos I give him.
Kota is really nice though. Whenever I feel lonely he always knows just what to say or do, though I don't know why he sometimes makes me feel weird. He also bickers with kacchan sometimes but I know he's only looking for me. He even stayed with me on my birthday before going to the cafe and celebrating it with everyone. He even helped me pick an outfit this morning though it's summer vacation, and he likes waking up late. He's been working hard and deserves it though I make sure he wakes up by 10 or Kira does at least. Kota was also very clingy today, he seems to really hate Kacchan.
It's kinda weird though that I feel kinda nervous with Kota and spoil him even more. Well, no need to think about it now Kacchan's flight landed! I was practically jumping while I waited for Kacchan. Where is he? Where is he?
The mob of people coming in started to sparse out, yet I still couldn't see Kacchan. I was sure he was coming off today. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my texts it was for sure his plane. Did he get hurt on his mission? Did he get the wrong plane? Is Kacchan already here waiting for me? Am I too late? Panic started to rise in me, I was doubting himself all over again. I decided to call him, shifting the sign and bento into my left hand so he could grasp the phone better.
I dialed his number now knowing it by heart. Each ring, each minute, each second Kacchan didn't pick up. What is he doing? I felt my worries playing on loop in my head. I looked around once more and then I saw Kacchan. Kacchan is on television? Why did he get caught by a reporter?
"Yes, I will be heading to Hong Kong later today to help out with the hero shortage there for the next month." Hong... Kong? Kacchan just came back, why didn't he tell me? I thought he was my boyfriend should he tell me first? My eyes burned with tears. Why? He's only gone on 4 dates with me since we became a thing before he started ditching me for patrol and work. I never said anything about it because I'm busy but I tried. Always waiting for an answer, he called me a week late for my birthday and I didn't mind but he never responds. Why? I call, he never answers, he calls I always answer. I thought he loved me even just a little bit or does he not care. Before I realized it I wasn't in the airport anymore, I was standing in a park with tears running down my face.
How could I be so stupid? Kacchan doesn't love me at all, I just thought he did. I got swept away by lies. Not even caring that I no longer had the sign or bento box anymore. My phone was still by my side. I felt my anger and sadness mixing together. My quirk activated unconsciously as I crushed my phone and then I chucked it to the sky probably going into the stratosphere. I couldn't care less about a dumb phone my sobs racking through my body.
He's leaving and he didn't even call. My quirk now activated in my legs as I started to run, I didn't care where or who saw me. I didn't want to face anyone anymore. My boyfriend lied to me. Kacchan lied to me again. Everyone was right, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up again.
Kota POV
I finished up my final set of bicep curls. Today Izuku would be seeing that bastard again. He never understood me. He hung out with that angry Pomperian. Izuku spent the whole morning picking out an outfit and making a bento for the f$$ker. He's been ignoring Izuku since they started dating, his blood boiled every time he saw Izuku ready to cry. When he did come back he would stop by eat and go home and Izuku again would be happy just to be Heartbroken again. It didn't stop the dog from running it in his face that Izuku was his boyfriend.
I still liked Izuku though and if he ever decided to finally break up with that lying dog I would take him in an instant. Though maybe I should move in, Kira hasn't had much luck with Yasu either though I think Yasu is starting to notice her. She scraped up the courage to give him her number and they've texted a couple of times. I sighed, love is hard work. I looked at the clock too see it was already 8. I wonder if Izuku is okay?
My phone buzzed and I looked over too see it was Kira. I put down the weights and that's when my phone started buzzing crazily. What the hell? I picked up the phone too see Kira was now calling me. I quickly slid too accept the call,
"DID YOU SEE THE NEWS AT ALL!!!" Kira screamed. I pulled my phone away from my ear at the volume of her voice. "No, is something big going on?"
"Oh sh@t, you got too find Midoriya senpai he must be crushed with what that bastard is doing-"
"Kira you need to slow down what's going on?" I asked Kira sounded angry. Like she was gonna kill someone angry. Why was she angry? What could've made her so mad, he was about to ask when the doorbell rang. "Kira wait a minute, take a breath and then explain okay?"
Kira had made a frustrated guttural noise. Jeez something must've really ticked her off. Soon I would be even angrier than her because I opened the door.

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