Hospital Visit

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Midoriya POV

I slowly woke but dared not to open my eyes. I hear my alarm blare. My body felt heavy and sore. I curled upon myself not wanting to get up. My head hurts even more than yesterday and I felt like I couldn't breath. I guess I need to get ready and make breakfast. I slowly opened my eyes to see a sleeping Kota in front of me. I felt behind me something breathing too, wait... It's just Kacchan. Oh goodness I almost had a heart attack. Kacchan was snoring his arm was under my head like a pillow. I smiled the are so kind. I'll make them a big breakfast.

Carefully I got off then bed and lumbered into the bathroom. It was six am and school doesn't start until another hour. Kota only needs about 10 minutes. Slipping into the kitchen I grab the flour. I'll make crepes today. Before I could start I went into a coughing fit and sneezed. It might be better to work in gloves and a mask. My head was lighter than usual but I'll be fine.

My injured arm still sore I fight through it as I add mix the batter. Son enough the smell of crepes were coming around the house. Without thinking I shout out for Kota already in a routine to wake him up, my throat feels hoarse and I had another coughing fit I barely was able to flip the crepe without burning it or missing the pan.

I feel a little woozy, black spots inflicted on my vision. I took a deep breath only to sneeze and coughs. I leaned a bit on the counter for support. I'll be okay. I straightened myself up again and started to prepare breakfast again.

No one's POV

Bakugo and Kota woke up to the smell of something good. They had eaten a small dinner yesterday but there metabolisms burned calories like crazy. Both opened their eyes at the same time when they heard Deku call out for Kota they jumped off the bed with a thud.

"What the hell! It's too early for this shit!" Bakugo yelled. Kota also muttered things that seemed to be questioning his life and the universe. They glared at each other until a realization hit Kota. "Izuku is sick and he's making breakfast." The boys had a bad feeling hit their gut as they booked it to the kitchen.

The two boys came into the kitchen to see Izuku cooking something that looked like pancakes. He was leaning on the counter though. It wasn't exactly easy to notice unless you're looking closely at him. Izuku attention was fully dedicated to the crepe and nothing else. "Good morning, Izuku." Kota said trying to compose himself. Izuku turned around a bit surprised. "G-good morn-ning Kota. Good morning Kacchan. I made crepes!" He had a big smile but his voice was hoarse. Kota smiled a bit nervously but Bakugo said, "Why are you out of bed! You're sick and really tired. You should be in bed. You look really pale too." Bakugo asked worriedly. Izuku did look really sick, his face was pale and his eyes were red. He turned off the stove as he added the finishing touches to the pancake like thing. "I think I'm fine. Now eat your breakfast and get ready for school. I made you guys crepes with your favorite things Kota and I made yours spicy... with cinnamon..." Izuku fell forward. Bakugo and Kota rushed forward. Bakugo caught his in his arms and Kota felt his pulse and temperature. "He's burning up. We need to take him to the hospital. I'll use my water to keep his body cool, but-" Without a second thought

Bakugo snarled and ran out of the door. Kota cursed and ran out the door. He focused so he can make steps to follow the man blasting away to the hospital. "Bakugo! Do you even know where the hospital is?!" Kota shouted and Bakugo snarled back. "Show me then god dammit! Wanna die you piece of shit?"

"Do you want to know where the hospital is old man! I'll freaking kick your ass!" They made it to the hospital within minutes as they burst into the hospital. Bakugo ran up to the receptionist and yelled at her face. "Fix him. He's gotta a fuckin fever and he fainted." The lady terrified at Bakugou shook in her seat. "U-um s-sir?" Kota panting behind him smacked him in the back of the head. "Are you stupid?! You scared the poor lady! Do you have any manners?" Kota scolded before coming up the desk. "This is Ground Zero and Deku, if you don't believe me this is my UA, ID card and I know Deku's hero badge a number as I am in his class." The lady regaining her composure a bit as she pointed shakily to the hallway next to her.

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